Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Holidays... things have been real hectic and I haven't been able to make it to my computer to blog. I will be taking a Holiday Break for now, but will be back in the New Year to chat with y'all!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

"We wish you a Merry Christmas....We wish you a Merry Christmas....We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!"

Monday, December 14, 2009

Christmas Party 2009... Friday was my work Christmas Party. It was held at one of the hotels in Hdot and we had an open bar for an hour, then a nice dinner, then finished the night with lots of dancing. Needless to say, I had a lot of wine and danced the night away. What a blast! Since most female dress pants don't come with pockets and I don't like having a purse since it's a nuisance on the dance floor, I always shove my ID, Bank Card and Cash in my bra. It works well and since there's no extra room in my bras anyways, everything stays nice and tight and safe all evening.

The party went on till 4 am so by the time we got back to the room we were exhausted and a little tipsy. I did manage to get into my jammies before bed, which is more than I can say for someone in my room! Anyways, morning came and I got out of bed to get some Tylenol and a quarter fell out of my bed. I just picked it up and put it in my purse and kept going to the shower. I always start my shower by washing my hair and since I had a fair bit of hairspray I took extra long to wash it all out. After that I started to scrub my arms and body and felt something under my boob. I sorta panicked cause it was quite a large thing so I scrubbed quite hard under there and heard PLOP! I looked down only to find another quarter! Apparently, despite the moving around in bed, the walking about in my room, washing my hair with my arms up in the air for a half hour...the darn quarter still stayed stuck under my boob! Geesh....I laughed...actually...I'm still laughing least large breasts are good for something!

"Shake, Shake, Shake your money maker..." - Ludacris

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Odd name... I was reading the paper and came across an article of a murder that took place in ESGENOOPETITJ, New Brunswick. How on earth do you pronounce that? Is it a silent J? Apparently this is the name of a Native Reserve that we call "Burnt Church". No fricken wonder?! I searched it on wikipedia and it doesn't even show how to pronounce it...apparently not even the dictionary knows what the hell to do with that J either!

"Say my name, say my name..." - Destiny's Child

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

SNL... Saturday Night Live does it again...another hilarious skit, this time making fun of our dear Tiger Woods...hahaha...

"Who's bed have your boots been under..." - Shania Twain

Lobsters... Lobster Fishing has begun in South West Nova. This is how we all know winter is here, Christmas is near...and a paycheck is hopefully coming in my stocking this year! My friend Charlene posted a video of Rick Mercer on his first Lobster fishing trip in Grand Manan. It was too funny so I thought I'd share it with all of you.


"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas..." - One of the many Christmas Songs out there!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Celebrity... the life of a celebrity isn't always glorious, eh Tiger? I'm not right sure WHY Tiger Woods thought that his affairs would stay a secret. Does he not know we're 2009? Us common folks can't hide things like that so what on earth made him think he would get away with it? Geesh.....for a guy who makes millions of dollars each year he's not that bright. Now we just have to wait for it...yup...the Tell All Book from one of his know it's coming! Oh and that's the other thing..ONE of his MANY mistresses. You'd think he could have kept it to one of two...nope, not greedy Mr. Tiger...had to screw the world. Ma Ma Ma....No wonder his wife *supposedly* took a golf club after him....lucky she didn't do what Lorena Bobbitt did! I'm sure it crossed her mind but likely the golf clubs were closer.

Let's see if Tiger can play golf under this kind of pressure!

"Pressure...crashing down on me..." - Van Halen

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Social Networking... I was browsing Facebook today and noticed on the right side where it usually suggested friends, it now said "My Friends name" and then underneath, "Help make Facebook better for her" and under that "Write on her wall".

Listen Facebook...if I wanted to write on her wall I would. Not my fault she doesn't go on Facebook very often...not my responsibility to chat with her if I don't want to...not my problem that she has very few friends... I think it's a real silly feature. I do like the one that coaxes you to get one of your friends to upload a pic if he/she hadn't put one up yet...that's kinda funny...but asking me to chat with someone is a bit much. Does anyone do that? You chat with her Facebook!...if she wanted to chat with me, she'd chat...after all, we're "friends". As for the pic, I have a "friend" that doesn't have a pic posted cause he doesn't want strangers to know who he is...NEWSFLASH: you have your name, birth date, Occupation, Personal Info, and pics you're tagged in all on your account so why are you worried about your profile pic? Odd...very odd, if you asked me...

Maybe I should get another cup of coffee...I sound quite harsh in this post...oh well...

"Cause I'm paranoid..." - Jonas Brothers

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

AMA's... what did you think of Adam Lamberts performance on the AMA's on Sunday night??? I think it was a little bit much. I don't care what his sexual preference was a bit over the top. I know there's been much controversy over this and most of it is because some feel it's being criticised due to his sexual orientation. I don't think it matters what he does in his private life, fact is this performance was a tad too racy for regular TV and really, it was quite unnecessary. It does make me think this was done purposely to start a "scandal" and give him lots of exposure...kinda like the Justin Timberlake/Janet Jackson oops....or "wardrobe malfunction" as they liked to call it. Actually, let's talk about that for a minute...I don't know why they didn't just admit that it was done purposely. The question no one asked is this: Did she have a matching "decoration" on the other breast? This would prove if it was done by accident or if it was a publicity stunt. Kinda weird how no one asked that...

Let's get back to Lambert. I read today that ABC (the network that aired the AMA's) was cancelling some of his performances on other shows they air. That, to me , makes no sense. The performers rehearse many times before the actual AMA show so you'd think someone would have noticed this performance was a bit over the top. After all, they are responsible for what they show us, the why think it's too much now...only after the outrage? I could have told them during rehearsals that it was a bit too much and to tame it down. Sexual innuendos are common...but nothing was left to the imagination there! Another thing that I found a bit odd was the fact that "The View" wanted to show a clip of the performance on Monday, but ABC wouldn't allow it as it's too raunchy for daytime television. Well...if it's too bad for daytime, then wouldn't you think it's too bad for evening's not as if 10:00 PM is that late anymore. I know that after midnight there are lots of shows that push the envelope....not that many what's up? Does ABC want the "scandal" for ratings too?

Hummm.....Makes you wonder, eh?

"Oh do you know what you've got into...can you handle what I'm about to do..." - Adam Lambert

**If you haven't seen the video, try searching it on the Internet

Monday, November 23, 2009

It's all in the name... here's a name that I'm sure was the butt of all jokes in school: Jay Walker. hehehehehe...yup, you read it right...and he's a Paramedic Supervisor in Halifax. There was an article written about him in today's Chronicle Herald (

Made me chuckle cause I was a little confused when I first started reading it. The paragraph reads as follows:

"BARELY 30 minutes after easing his truck onto the wet Halifax streets, Jay Walker is trying to find a paramedic crew. "

I was thinking...hum...there was a guy who got hit crossing the road and he then was roaming the streets for an Ambulance...that makes no sense! hahahahaha...took me a while to figure out what the heck was going on in this article! Poor Guy...I totally would have changed my name if I were him.

"Say my name, Say my name..." - Destiny's Child

Trouble... I read in the Chronicle Herald today that a lady in Quebec was denied her Benefit Payments due to Facebook. She was on paid sick leave due to depression and Manulife, the Insurance Company, stopped her payments cause they saw all kinds of pictures of her having a grand ole time at the Chippendale's (male dancers), a sun destination vacation and out dancing at some clubs. They felt she was no longer depressed, therefore cancelled her benefits. This would be another example of how people forget that "Big Brother" is watching. If you post things on the Internet then you need to be willing to deal with the consequences. I often wonder what the young kids are thinking when they post pictures of themselves and their friends drinking underage. I have my mom, my relatives, my neighbours, etc...on my facebook so I assume they do too...wouldn't that be reason enough to keep those pics off of facebook?....or is it that the parents don't care? I might be saying, "well Ldot...maybe those kids don't have all those people on their accounts." that I would say, it doesn't matter cause the pics are out there for all to see so IT WILL get back to the "wrong people" at some point.

I also wondered if this would be enough evidence for the police to start charging people with underage drinking or possession of drugs or something? It would definitely be enough evidence to make them watch you a little more closely, wouldn't it? I have also seen young folks post pics of them kissing their girlfriend/boyfriend...not something I would have wanted my mom to see when I was 15 or so!

Back in my younger days...and I know it wasn't all that long ago...anyways...back then, we did things we probably shouldn't have but we didn't take pics and show them to everyone in the world. We kept it to ourselves. I'm some glad I'm not a teen nowadays cause everything they do is either video taped, photographed, written about, broadcasted...and the list goes on! They should be a little more careful as their activities may come back to bite them in the butt when they're looking for work. It would be hard for a school to hire a teacher who's facebook is loaded with drunken, doped up pictures of them and their friends all the time. Doesn't paint a good picture....know what I mean?

Just my thoughts this morning...give me time with my coffee and I'll get less serious and more silly... :P

"Just another Manic Monday..." - The Bangles

Monday, November 16, 2009

RMR... a friend of mine posted a video of the Rick Mercer Report called Swine Talk. Here it is:

He's sooooo funny.....and soooooo right!


"...and on his Farm he had a Pig...E I E I O..." - Old MacDonald Had a Farm

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Sickness... the oldest little one has H1N1. Lovely. I decided to take the youngest little one to my mothers and stay with him till the other child was better but now I have it. I feel like my lungs are on fire...lucky for us, we've had the shot so it should lessen our symptoms and we all have Tamiflu...time will tell. If you see me out and about, I'm letting you know now that I haven't had a breast reduction....just not wearing a hurts when I cough and I feel stuck in a consider yourselves warned.

I'm supposed to go dress shopping with my Chatty Cousin on Saturday. I don't know if I'm supposed to be quarantined...if I can go...what to do. I decided to call 811, the number the government has put in place to answer medical questions. I had to listen to 10 minutes of information about flu symptoms vs cold symptoms and then the recording kept urging me to call 811 if I had any questions....hummmm???....that's odd considering I WAS CALLING 811 you MORON! ANyways...Finally, I reached someone and asked the question: "I have H1N1 and am taking long should I been in quarantine? The lady kindly answers that she'll have to take my name and number and have a nurse call me back. Hummm???....aren't I supposed to be talking to a nurse? What the hell is the point of this number if the people answering the phone aren't qualified to answer any medical questions? Why did I have to listen to a recording about all those symptoms.....I want to ask a damn question, not listen to service announcement! Let's hope they call back at a decent hour cause my friend Master T called a few weeks ago and had the same response ...she then had the fortune of getting a call back at 5 am...nice!

"She's got it...yeah baby she's got it..." - Bananarama

Monday, November 9, 2009

Deer Smeer... hubby hit a deer last night with our car. Well...sorry...the deer ran into him last night. It came out of the ditch and next you know, he saw this big head in the window. It was a buck...probably trying to run away from all the hunters. Apparently animals don't talk amongst themselves cause I'm sure the porcupines could have told him to avoid any pavement, yellow lines and moving things with headlights. The side of the car is nothing but a huge dent, there's no side mirror and some deer hair can be found in the door handles...lovely.

I didn't know he had hit the deer as I was out to a function and only got home a few hours after he did. We park side by side in the driveway and I park the buggy next to the passenger side. When I got in the house, he was in bed and he was grumbling under his breath. I got in bed and he was quiet...kinda waiting for me to say something. Finally he said: "Well....?????" To that I answered: "I'm sorry I'm so late.." and then started spewing loads of information on my reasoning for being uber late. He then said: "anything else..???!!" This is when I thought he was real mad, but then he informed me about the deer incident and the damage on the side of the car. I couldn't believe it....I just got out of the buggy right next to the wrecked car and never noticed a thing. He said he wasn't surprised I didn't see the dents considering I hadn't noticed the fact that there was no side mirror on the car...apparently I'm blind...oops. He was pissed...I was laughing....I tend to laugh when I'm nervous, shocked, upset, etc... He was a little puzzled with my laughter....and wasn't right impressed with my reaction. I couldn't help it. I knew he was ok...the kids weren't in the car...and all I could picture was this deer head-butting our car and flying in the ditch. For some reason that was real funny to me....then the fact I didn't even notice our totally wrecked car....he eventually laughed with me, but it wasn't as funny to him as it was to me. At least it took the focus off the fact that I had told him I'd be home by 11 and only rolled in at 1 am....thank you deer!

"Dirtiest Drunk...Dirtiest Drunk....Dirtiest Drunk in the history of liquor" - The Stanfields

Friday, October 30, 2009

Well what next?... I read an interesting article today. Walmart is now selling caskets....what next? I guess they really do want to be the one-stop-shop...geesh!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

My Decision... I have decided to get the H1N1 Vaccination and my hubby and oldest little one will be getting it as well. I posted the following on facebook today on how I made my decision...

I tune out the media when making a decision. Their info is always slanted and part truths. This is how I made my decision...if this helps any...
1) Free to everyone so why would the Canadian Government offer something free of charge if it were severly harmful thus opening the door for many lawsuits.
2) all Doctors and Health Professionals are getting it.
3) There are side effects to everthing and anything we do...this is no different yet we don't pay attention to them unless it's being brought up by the media.
4) I'm afraid of dying and having my kids die...I rather live or see them with a bad side effect then plan a funeral.
5)No different than any other vaccine - gave all of them to Blake and will to Brady.
6) had vaccines as a kid when there was much less technology and research and i'm still here and healthy - ish hehehehe
7)Just like the flu shot, it may not prevent you from getting the swine flu but will keep you safe from the bad version.
8) the vaccine has actually been around for decades.
9) there are very few ventillators in Ydot so SHOULD this hit badly, we're in trouble
10) I hate taking meds for anything, but if the doc says take antibiotics for your illness - I take it. They know more than me so I need to trust in our system. I need to trust that people who research this stuff day in day out know what they're talking about...just like I need to trust that my mechanic will fix my car, my hairdresser won't harm my head, my chiropractor won't break my bones, my bank won't steal my money,etc...So all that said, that's how I came to my decision of Yes. I did give it lots of though and then worked through.

Now i'm totally tuning out the media cause i've made a firm decision. Sometimes I wish we could just get facts instead of stories...

"Abra Abra Cadabra.." - Steve Miller Band

Cartoon... this was the cartoon in the Chronicle Herald today. Thought it was rather funny...

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Night Terror... my oldest son woke up last night cause he had to go to the bathroom. Hubby got up and took him and once he brought him back to his room, he started freaking out! I got up and went in to calm him down, but it wasn't working. He was seeing Bees...EVERYWHERE! He was hysterically jumping around the room and swatting at the bees as if they were attacking him. It was pitiful. I couldn't calm him down cause he wouldn't come to me as he saw bees on me too. I turned on the light and still...he'd point, scream like someone was torturing him and cry. He wouldn't get in his bed cause he thought there were bees there...he wouldn't walk on the floor without screaming cause the bees were attacking him...he wouldn't get out of his room cause the bees were in the hall. I talked to him calmly and explained that bees live outside and they were sleeping in their beds. He would answer me and look me in the eyes....then the minute I'd stop he'd start screaming and swatting them. It was the most horrible experience I've ever been through with a child. Once I finally got him to come to me, he was shaking so bad he couldn't keep his feet on the floor. He was a trembling mess and his heart was pounding so much I was afraid he'd have heart failure. After a few hours he calmed down and I slept in his bed with him to "protect him". He remembered this morning, but wasn't afraid. He remembered all the facts I told him about bees...just not the scared part.

I researched this on the Internet and it's called "Night Terrors". It most commonly happens to boys between the ages of 3-6...he'll be 3 in a month. They are actually asleep....hard to believe...but they are. He was talking and reasoning with me and also repeating...but still asleep. Most kids have night terrors about bugs, snakes, spiders and other animals. I can't believe it's actually a condition. It was horrible and I hope it doesn't continue. My heart was hurting for him...the fear in his face was something I'll never forget.

Thanks Charlene... I received my P&G Samples yesterday! This is the second batch. The first came with mini shampoos, mini deoderant, pads and tampons and a few other goodies. This one came with clothes detergents, fabric softner, Mr Clean Magic Eraser, body wash and a few other things. I ordered the man one a couple weeks ago so that one should come soon too.

Love it....and for those who would like to get your samples, here's the link:


Thursday, October 22, 2009

Tweet!... I joined twitter. I have no clue what it's all about and as of right now i'm telling myself what i've been up to cause no one is following basically I have no friends in vitual world. If you're on twitter, would you please follow me???!! Pretty Please!!!

"Rockin Robin...Tweet tweet tweet! " - Unsure of the singer

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Thoughts... today i'm having all kinds of weird thoughts. It's just one of those

If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, then"my beholders": come out, come out wherever you are!

Jon Gosselin, from "Jon & Kate plus 8" needs a my opinion

We can fly to the moon, we can cure lots of incredible things, but we can't make coffee that doesn't stain your teeth....weird.

Does the saying "that's the pot calling the kettle black" even work anymore? Martha Stewart now makes lovely colored pots and I don't remember seeing a black kettle in the last 20 years.

What happens when the people that hold the signs during road construction need to pee? I've never noticed a port-a-pottie anywhere.

Corn....well nevermind, i'll leave that one alone.

When you picture a cow, is it always while with black blobs? It is for me....who knew there were ones with brown blobs!

Why is it that I can hold my pee until I walk into a bathroom? ...then, I can barely hold it anymore.

If the Beetles only formed in 2009, would they actually be popular? "She loves you yeah, yeah, yeah..." "We all live in a yellow submarine..."
"I think, I thought..." - REM

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Flat... I got a flat tire today. I was driving on highway 103 and while illegally talking to my mom on my cell phone I realized my buggy was really pulling to one side. I then got a notification on my dash thingy to check the tire pressure. I pulled over and sure enough, flat. So now what? I hung up with my mom and called the dealership to see what I need to do. Here's my conversation with the service guy:

Ldot: "Hi! I have a flat tire and don't know what to do. Do I have roadside assistance?"
Service Guy: "Well, possibly...what year is your vehicle?"
Ldot: "Um....I don't know."
Service Guy: "No problem, do you have a spare in the vehicle?"
Ldot: "Um...I don't know."
Service Guy: "Ok, well...what's your VIN Number?"
Ldot: "Um....where can I find that?"
Service Guy: "Do you know your phone number?"
Ldot: "YES! That I do's ###-####" *THANK GOD I KNEW SOMETHING!!*
Service Guy: "Great...I see here you have this number..." (and he gives me the number and then specifically tells me what to say and also gives me the information about my vehicle that I'll need). I'm sure he's figured out that I'm clueless at this point...geesh!

Now I hang up...and feel slightly dumb...but really, why do I care about these things? I don't need to know what year my buggy is...I just need to know it works? Right? OK...I'm trying to make myself feel less dumb! Do you know your vehicle information?

The roadside lady was real nice and in no time the tow truck guy showed up to fix my buggy!

So, basically I played the role of the stereotypical girl real well...knows nothing about cars...blah blah blah...and the tow truck guy has to come to the rescue even though all the tools necessary for the tire replacement are in my vehicle and really all he did was find them and use them.

I consider myself a pretty intelligent lady...but I really felt not intelligent today.

"Big wheels keep on turnin'..." - CCR

Friday, October 16, 2009

A little H1N1 Funny... here's a joke I thought i'd share hehehehehe...

This Little Piggy

This little piggy went to market.
This little piggy stayed at home.
This little piggy had roast beef.
This little piggy had none.
And this little piggy went “cough, sneeze” and the whole world’s media went mad over the imminent destruction of the human race, and every journalist found out that they didn’t have to do too much work if they just did “Find ‘bird’, replace with ’swine’” on all their saved articles from a year ago, er, all the way home.

"Balloon Boy"... did you hear about that little boy and the big balloon in Colorado? Well if you didn't, apparently this family had this hot air balloon and it was suddenly in the sky and flying around cause one kid said he saw his little brother get in it. It was assumed that the brother would be in the balloon's basket but once they located the balloon they realized that the brother wasn't there so this started a massive manhunt for this kid. It was breaking news around the world and most people pictured the worst, possibly he had fallen out along the way?...very horrible. Anyways, when the family got back home after frantically searching around for this kid they found him at home. Apparently he had hid in the shed the whole time. The family was interviewed on CNN and the interviewer asked the kid if he had heard the parents calling for him. The kid answered that he had and then the interviewer asked him why he didn't come out. He answers, reluctantly in my opinion, "you guys said we did this for a show". HELLO HOAX! I can't believe that parents would be so desperate to be famous or be in the spotlight that they would stage all this and have their kids lie to police and the whole world. If it's true that it was a complete farce then I think the parents should be charged with something cause clearly there's something wrong. How awful is that? Here's the link to the clip where the kid says this, live:

Seems a little fishy to me...

"Every word you say is lies, lies, lies..." - Toni Braxton

Monday, October 5, 2009

Stunned... i'm trying to set up my new computer and have had to call our tech guys a million times today. Part of the problem is that when I connect to the internet, the computer gives me coordinates and I need to use a special grid and with the coordinates, come up with a response. I'm missing my grid so I need to call the tech guys to look up the grid and give me the response. So here's how our conversation goes:

Ldot: The coordinates are A5 H3 J8
Tech Guy: Ok so can you repeat that...
Ldot: A5 H3 J as in... *and a long pause...
Tech Guy: J as in Juliette?
Ldot: *I'm now laughing hysterically* don't even want to know what the only word I could come up with was...
Tech Guy: What was it?
Ldot: J as in Jaggerbomb!
Tech Guy: *Now he's laughing hysterically*

So out of all the words in the English Language that start with J, all I could come up with the name of a shooter - Jaggerbomb....How ridiculous is that?

" easy as 123..." - The Jackson 5

Friday, October 2, 2009

Cartoons... my oldest little one loves watching cartoons and lately he's been into "Caillou". "Caillou" is a little boy who loves having fun and i'd say he's about 6 or 7 years old. Everytime I watch I think...."Why is he completely bald?" There's not a stitch of hair on his head....quite strange...

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Money well spent... I hear on the radio that the hospital is having a fundraiser in order to buy a colonoscopy sanitization machine. DOes anyone have a problem with this statement other than me?? Is the old one not working? they even have one?.....maybe I don't want to know the answers but I think i'll donate just in case I ever need one.

Nice...real nice.

"Doctor, Doctor....give me the news..." - Robert Palmer

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Oddities... I see the men are gearing up for Deer Hunting. Everywhere I go I see bags of apples and carrots for sale and that brings me to one question....Why the carrots? I understand the apples cause there are apple trees in the forest so the deer can get a feed, but who thought of the carrots? I've never been walking through the woods and stumbled on some yummy carrots...have you? So who decided to put them out? Doesn't really make any sense to me. Very odd.

Another odd thing is the fact people go out in the wilderness looking to kill bears. These men go out in the middle of nowhere waiting to see bears and shoot them. Why not chill out very quietly at a camp and put food on the deck? Bears seem to break into camps all the time so I'm not sure why it's necessary to go out in nowhere land to find some. Wouldn't it be much more comfortable waiting for the bear while sitting on a couch rather than a shrub?

Actually, while we're on the hunting topic I have another question. Why is it that most men can't sit at home and do nothing all day but they can sit in a tree and barely breathe all day? It's like they get ants in the pants if they're at home with nothing to do, but love the idea of sitting up in a tree, all alone, all day, for weeks on end. I'd go absolutely crazy in a tree with nothing to do from dawn till dusk. I'd need a few magazines or something...and a pillow for my bum too.

Most hunters have those new hunting cameras too so that while they're not there they can see if a deer was in the neighbourhood. Can't you tell by the bites out of the apples and carrots? Teeth marks would be an indication enough for me...but then again I'm not a hunter so maybe there's something I'm not getting.

Odd...very odd...

"I go crazy...crazy...crazy, I'm going crazy..." - Aerosmith

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Bylaw... apparently Bridgewater wants to make a new Bylaw....get this....the Anti-Idling ByLaw.

"The bylaw allows a vehicle to idle for no more than three minutes and calls for a minimum $150 fine and a maximum fine of $10,000 or a year in jail."

Well if that's the case then tell Timmies to hurry the heck up cause there's no way you can get through their drivethru in under 3 minutes! I can understand wanting to save the environment but, seriously, isn't there a better way? What are we supposed to do during road construction? If they expect people to sit and wait for the slow sign to appear with no air conditioning because the darn car is shut off then they have something else coming. Also, did they not clue in that we live in Nova Scotia...the land of crappy winter on earth am I going to get to work with a windshield full of snow cause I wasn't allowed to leave the car running long enough for the hot air to melt it? Can you imagine spending a year in jail with murderers, pedophiles, rapists, robbers and other criminals all because you left the car running too long in the McD's drivethru? Hardly seems fair, eh? Do they not have any other ideas they could run with....what's next, make people cut their lawns with scissors cause the lawnmower polutes the air too much?

"Don't be stupid..." -Shania Twain

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Now you know I was gonna comment on this one... did ya notice the large tin lobster on the front of the Red Knight (The Yarmouth Bar)? Oh....maybe you didn't see it cause you were distracted by the ridiculous looking paint job all over the building! Wow...and I thought the new Lawton's store was bad....this takes the cake!

"U-G-L-Y, you ain't got no UGLY" - Daphne and Celeste

Back at it... I ended up taking a little break from blogging. Lots has happened since my last post. I had another boy on June 15th...8lbs 6oz. He's such a sweetie and i've enjoyed the summer with him and my other little, or not so little anymore boy. After that I ended up with a Double Pulmonary Embolism. That's a fancy name for two blood clots, one in each lung. It's a complication that can occur after a surgery and I had a C-Section so that's how that all came about. It's not a real common risk, but it does happen. It was almost lights out for me, but luckily i'm still here and will be taking Warfarin, aka Rat Poison, for the next little while in order to keep my blood thin and not clot again. I'm still quite freaked out about the whole ordeal and my therapist...yes I now I have a therapist...told me that I will not get over it, but will learn to deal with it. Let's hope he's right.

I started back to work today and on my coffee break...the third one of the day...I decided to blog as another form of therapy. I can vent to all y'all about all the things in life that annoy me, frustrate me, tick me off and make me laugh!

Isn't there a song by Elton John that would fit here...."the B&%#* is back!"

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Why?... I was eating a Sesame Seed Bagel this morning and realized that I have no clue why I just didn't buy the plain ones. It's the exact same bagel, just has seeds on it. All the seeds add are annoyance as they fall everywhere and make a mess. What was the point? Really....what is the point?

"Eat it...Eat it...." - Weird Al's remake of "Beat it"

Thursday, June 4, 2009

The creams... I have some stretch mark cream that I've been using. Not right sure why I bought it cause it seems like the more I rub, the more marks I get! Everyday I seem to have a new friend sprouting so what the hell is the point of this cream? It says that it was clinically tested...clinically tested where?? On who?? Where is this said clinic?? It's kinda like cellulite cream....oh it's gonna reduce those bumps...Bologna. I still have cellulite and with the cream all I end up with is moisturized cellulite...lovely! I would love to see the test subjects for both of these creams...why is there never a picture of them? hum....I think I've been wasting my money.

"Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies..." - Fleetwood Mac

Monday, June 1, 2009

A Solution... I drive into town nearly everyday and the road people have been real busy fixing up the places where the construction company put those drainage pipes. It was a little annoying while they were putting those pipes, but it was done fast and really it needed to be done. The paving company now paved the strips of road that were removed to put those pipes and there's about 5 or 6 places with the new pavement. Problem is that what started flush with the road is now a big dip so everyone is slamming on breaks to go down each dip in order not to tear out the bottom of their car. It only took a couple days for the pavement to start sinking so in no time they'll be there again adding more pave and in a couple days we'll repeat the process again and again till the end of summer. Here's my solution: Why not make the repair into a speed bump so that it takes longer to flatten out? Just a thought...would save being there fixing the darn thing 3 times a week! Can't be I'm the only one who's thought about this...or maybe I am cause I do think of real weird things sometimes :)

"...when I dip, you dip, we dip..." - 69 Boyz

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Addiction... most people are addicted to Facebook these days. I know I go on at least a couple times per day to see what people are up to and what funny things they have to say. I do think people should have a little more common sense when posting their status messages. Nothing worse than something like this: So and So can't believe that happened! ...or So and So is the happiest person in the world...or So and So is shocked! All of those are super annoying cause you know someone is gonna ask what the hell is going on. There was one the other day that annoyed me and this girl posted "So and So knows a secret, but can't tell anyone yet" WHY would you even bother putting that??? That's just plain ridiculous. Oh there's another good one I saw..."So and So thinks that some people should mind their own business!" Well then get off facebook and stop posting your life story you ding dong!

People have to realize that there's nothing wrong with Facebook if used properly. Post that you're at work...or heading to town...or graduating...or you bought a new awesome sweater...or you found a new recipe for the slow cooker....that kind of stuff. Don't post that people are mean, that you hate the world, that you know something the rest doesn't, that your life sucks or that you have a rash all over your one wants to hear that stuff! Seems to me that's just common sense. I don't mind hearing that so and so is feeling ill today or is annoyed with their children or that they're hurting somewhere...just don't need to read 57 status messages of the same thing from the same the hint the first time. I do my fair share of complaining, but it's mostly to my close friends who understand what's going on. I don't think facebook needs to hear that my hoo-hoo is swollen, or that my bladder control is out of whack, or that I have nosebleeds most mornings, or that my breasts are ginormous and leaking milk...just some things I think are better left off Facebook so that all my half friends, weirdos, people I met once, relatives and my real friends who have already heard it anyways have to read it daily. It's just not relevant or interesting.

Oh and there's another group of Facebook status-ers that drive me and it's the ones that post that life is soooooo wonderful every day and that love everything and everyone. You know that's not true! Everyone gets annoyed, mad or bummed about something. I know the saying goes "when life hands you lemons, you make lemonade", but let's face it...some days you just want to chuck those lemons away or biff them at somebody. If you're THAT happy everyday then you need to get out of the bubble. Having bad days are part of being normal...or I'm sure hoping so!

Anyways...that's just my thoughts today.

"Tell me lies...tell me sweet little lies..." - Fleetwood Mac

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Dinner and a Movie... hubby and I went on a date Saturday Night....Dinner and a Movie. We decided to go to a local seafood hot spot on the waterfront for dinner and were seated right by the brewery tanks and lobster tank. As we were talking, I started looking at the poor lobsters all jammed up in the tank. There was one that was on top of the heap that had a few barnacles on it. I didn't realize that those things were actually alive...ya I know, clue in...but I didn't so I was really staring at the thing poking out of the barnacles all over this lobster. I looked at it a little more closely then noticed something rather odd under it's tail. Here were these round little bead-like things hanging under the tail of this lobster. Well, for those who don't know much about fishing, this means this was a female and those beads were eggs. Hubby and I started laughing as this lobster is illegal to have on shore and here it was in the tank for all to see! When the waiter came over, we mentioned the illegal lobster in the tank and he turned red. He didn't know the problem this lobster could give them so basically I just told him that he better not sit a Fishery Officer at our table. A few minutes later another waitress came over to look at it and the chef picked it out of the tank. They were all in a hurry all of a sudden...probably cause the part owner is a lobster buyer so likely this lobster came from his was rather funny to see them scurry it out the door.

After that eventful dinner we headed to the movies to see "Angels and Demons". It was quite interesting and most of it was a little far fetched. One thing I noticed was that the Vatican (well, the one they showed in the movie) was FULL of naked men statues and paintings. Kinda odd for a building full of older males, wouldn't you say? Kinda makes me wonder with all the stories that have been coming out of the catholic church. Hum...interesting, eh?

My mind is blank for a song today...can't think of a lobster song or a naked man song hehehe

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Scattered thoughts... I'm getting rather large these days. I only have a month and three days to go till baby comes so that's exciting. I was feeling a little whale-esk after I got out of the shower yesterday and as I wrapped myself up in a beach towel (cause it's the only towel that will cover me without large peep holes) I realized I was right....whale...beach towel....beached ma ma. What a way to start the morning!

So today must be annual cop day or something cause I've met 7 cops today...quite odd. Two of them were ghost cars...which aren't really ghost cars cause we all know what they look like. One of them had the cop driver talking on his cell phone - nice. I figure that's why the car right behind him had the driver talking on his cell phone too...whats ok for the cops is obviously ok for the general public.

This morning I lost my blackberry. was rough for a while as I couldn't figure out where I would have put it and I knew I had it in hand when I got out of the buggy to go to it couldn't be far. I search high and low and figured it must be in the buggy somewhere and I'd get it later. Lunchtime came and I got my lunch out of the fridge only to find that I had placed my blackberry in the fridge along with it. near frozen blackberry was a little slow for a while, but now that it's had time to thaw I think we're good! Not much help to have my emails in fridge.

Today at Timmies there was a big sign that said they were giving out free Iced Coffee's this afternoon. Apparently it's simply coffee, with ice cubes. Not right sure why anyone would want to buy this as the whole point of coffee is to sip on a warm beverage. When it gets cold in my cup I heat it up again....last thing I want is ice cubes in it. I know that TImmies is trying new things, but with ice cubes...think about ice cubes...won't the ice cubes melt right away? How do you brew a cold pot of coffee? Wouldn't the coffee grinds stay in grind shape in cold water? I guess the next thing we could expect is warm juice drinks....or why not frozen bagels with Cream cheese? Let's not re-invent the wheel here! I'm confused...and with ice cubes...bad concept, no wonder it's free!

"Here come the hotsteppa..." - Ini Kamoze

Thursday, May 14, 2009

So get this... I'm reading the Globe and Mail online and stumble across this article about and Air Humping joke...Air humping! HAHAHA...I think it's the funniest thing I've ever read! Apparently, the North American Air Sex Championships are coming to Canada in June. What a hoot! Basically people get on stage and act out a scene that involves them having sex with no one and reaching "you know what" all in about 2 or 3 minutes. According to the article, it's all about the story and the acting. Mr. Chris Trews, whom the article calls a "Veteran Air Humper", said this "...We don't want to be turned on at Air Sex, we want to laugh and be shocked. It's essentially performance art."

Mr. Tim League is the Co-founder of the North American Air Sex Championship and here's a good quote from the article:

"The show will tour North America this summer; the winner of each round will be flown to the finals at a yet to be determined location in July. Asked how Canadian air sexers will fare, Mr. League said, "I think the show has got sort of a universal language to it.""

Universal Language...HAHAHAHA...good choice of words! Well I gotta say, this is something I thought I'd never see. I wonder how long till we see an Air Humping Reality Show?

If you want to read the article, here it is:

You never know what you'll read in the paper!

"Do the Humpty Hump, come on and do the Humpty Hump" - Digital Underground

Elections, Smelections... apparently we're having another Election, this time it's Provincial. I guess our Premier thinks it's a good time to get one going so we're preparing to go to the polls on June 9th. I think this is a total waste of money, yet again....and I'm not too sure the PC party will win. Really, there's no party that's good cause they all promise things during election time that they never actually end up doing when in power. It's the same across the board. I like voting for the person, not necessarily the party. I see it this way, the person is supposed to act on our behalf and I understand they have to tow the party line to some extent, but at the end of the day that person needs to live in this community so he/she should always consider us before the party.

Now we're going to see loads of signs and ads, likely being paid for my our tax dollars in some way or another. Also, election day is expensive as WE, yes WE, need to pay the people who work the polls all frigging day...and don't forget the voter cards they mail out, the actual vote papers we fill out that day and all the parties that go on for each candidate. I know they need to pay for some things, but I'm sure we're paying for a lot of it. Oh and how can we forget the pensions of the people who lose the re-election...yup, they get booted, but still leave with a nice parting gift care of WE, the Taxpayers.

I like having the ability to vote...just hate that we're constantly at the polls...I wish there were a way to regulate these things.

"And the winner takes it all..." - ABBA

Cookies... hubby bought some cookies on the last grocery shopping trip. He bought regular Chips Ahoy and the Rainbow ones. Of course, I sampled both and find it very odd that the Rainbow ones taste much different than the regular ones. It's like the dough is crumblier, if that's even a word? I like the Rainbow ones wayyyyy better and really the only difference should be the colored candy coating on the chocolate chips....very odd...or maybe it's me that's odd. Actually, while I'm at it, the mini Chips Ahoy taste different than the regular size and it's supposed to be the same cookie! Maybe it's just my ultra sensitive taste buds...hope I'm not alone on this one...

"How Bizarre?" - OMC

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

window treatment... my mother decided she wanted to jazz up her bathroom windows. She picked out this sticky tac like stuff from Sears and waited a few weeks to finally get her prize purchase. I went over to visit and, of course, had to pee so I headed towards the bathroom. Mom yells "hey, make sure you look at my new window treatment!"...all proud and as she said that I can hear my brother and father chuckling in the living room. I get in the bathroom and start laughing's window treatment looks like church windows! I started singing..."Haaaaalleluia....Haaaaalleluia...." and my dad and bro are now hysterically laughing. I washed my hands in holy water and came out to face my mom who is now saying..."ok...I get the hint...i'll take it down..." It felt like I had just peed in a confessional.

hehehe...if you know my family you'd understand that church window treatments are probably not very appropriate.

Poor Mom...

"Jesus loves me...ohhhh yes he does." - Whitney Houston (from the Bodyguard Soundtrack)

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Buh Bye ... apparently GM is cutting out all Pontiac Models. This is a little sad for me as I drive a Pontiac Torrent and I love it. Actually, I'm real lucky to have it cause about 6 months after I started leasing it, GM stopped doing leases...and now they won't even make Pontiac's. Apparently I'll be shopping for a new brand in 3 years when my lease is done...let's hope they take it back like it was promised to me when I signed the papers.

Also, Chrysler is filing for bankruptcy. This doesn't mean the end of Chrysler...just means that they're pretty cheap to buy right now and I think they're working up a deal with the foreign automaker, Piat. I'm sure we'll hear more about it in the near future.

So what's up with this guy in Hdot who keeps getting shot at? Seriously, invest in a bulletproof vest buddy, as it seems you're quite the target these days! I think this turf war/drug war is a little out of hand, at this point. This guy gets out of jail, his Dad gets shot at, another dude gets shot in the IWK parking lot, then this guy gets shot at twice...once a couple months ago and another this the Dad is arrested for Drug Possession... Oh and don't forget the uncle who was shot to death a little while back...apparently unrelated, but it seems to me these people are into the wrong things. How do they sleep? I know many people in Hdot are scared as someone innocent will end up getting hurt before this is all over and that's just not fair. Nothing funny about this story at's ridiculous....get over yourselves...drugs are bad and if this isn't a good example of that then I don't know what is!

"Drugs, Drugs Drugs...which are good? Which are bad? Drugs, Drugs, Drugs...ask your mom or ask your dad" - Say No to Drugs Commercial

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Brace yourselves... from now on I need to wear a Pregnancy belt or some call it a hip brace. My pelvis and hips are basically falling apart so in order to keep them together I need to wear this. Let me tell you, I feel some sexy with it on. I basically have to strap myself together with this lovely, bright blue brace and in order to make it work properly I need to pull it real tight, thus giving me a muffin top and one on the bottom. Picture a tight belt on a sausage...get the idea?! I'm supposed to, somewhat,dress up for work, but clearly this belt isn't the best fashion accessory for dress pants and a suit jacket...not to mention the black crocks on my feet as it's about the only footwear that fits right stuff, I tell ya....

"Looking for some hot stuff baby this evening?" - Donna Summer

He's Alive... on Friday I was walking in town and as I came to an intersection, the car stopped at the light caught my eye. I look over and there is Elvis giving me the lip curl and a finger point. I did a double take, but it was surely Elvis...sideburns, flashy outfit and the shades...quite comical really. I was so confused that I basically stopped and stood there for a few minutes trying to process what I just saw as he drove away. Come to find out, others had the same experience and he even serenaded a few businesses. Not sure what it was all about, but it surely was funny....a bit odd...but funny.

"I'm all shook up..." - Elvis

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The final tally... here's my "Roll up the Rim" final count:

Timmies: 37
Ldot: 5

So basically my win percentage is about 13.5%. According to the cups, you're supposed to win 1 in every 9...hard to believe it's came out to be pretty darn close. I guess I should just drive by the first 8 times I want to stop and then pull in on the 9th day....might try that next year hehehe!

"The winner takes it all..." - ABBA

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Can't get rid of me... I'm back now. Things have been busy and this wonderful pregnancy has been challenging, to say the least. Anyways, hopefully now things will be back to normal for a few months so I should be able to blog for a while.

I actually took notice this morning that the Rap artists seem to have run out of things to rap about. I drove into work and hear a new song by Soulja Boy...lyrics go something like this: "I can't see you so why don't you kiss me through the phone..." Ok..seriously? Kiss me through the that supposed to be sexy? First of all, who talks on the phone anymore? Everyone texts or emails so would an emoticon do? Like, about visit your woman and kiss her in person. Very dumb lyrics...and furthermore, not a very catchy tune.

Went to prenatal yesterday and had to get on that dreaded scale. I warned the nurse before I stepped on that it wouldn't be pretty and sure enough...6 lbs. Well, you know what? Frankly, I'm not hungry for fruit and salads anymore.....pasta, chocolate or any type of dessert sounds much better to me. There's only so long a girl can resist the cravings so I just ate them all in this last month...big deal. Today I brought fruit to work, just cause, but let's face it...I grabbed a handful of Mini Eggs before I walked out the door. Those damn things are sooooo good....Yum....and the best part....they're on sale this week :) See ya at the store...

"Hungry eyes..." - Dirty Dancing

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Kids say the darndest things... apparently kids have noticed my rather large backside. Master K, years ago, took notice as I bent down to get something and once I left the room he looked at his mom, Master T, aka Titthead, and said "Mama, that a big one!" Well she erupted in laughter and it's been the joke ever since. My niece was down to visit a few weeks ago and we took her swimming. She came in the change room with me and as we were getting ready, she looks at me and says: "Tantie, you have a big bum!" I couldn't help but laugh and told her that it just looks that way as she's a little girl and someday she'd have a big bum too....hehehehe...she bought it! Now this brings me to yesterday when I was cooking supper. The little one comes in and hits my bum...then he proceeds to back up and run right into it, bouncing off and saying "BOING!" He did this a bunch of times so apparently I'm the new bouncy toy of the house. I guess I'm the butt of all jokes with children!

"I like big butts and I cannot lie..." - Sir Mix A Lot

Friday, March 27, 2009

Some people's kids... get this. This guy gasses up a few gas tanks and forgets to put the cover on one of them. He starts driving off and starts smelling gas fumes. He drives a little while, but the fumes get to be quite bad so he pulls over to check things out. Now here's the kicker...before he investigates, he decides to light a smoke. Ya I know...what a it doesn't take a science teacher to tell you what happened next! Thank god it was only the truck that blew up and he was able to get away with only a little singed hair on his head. Now, is that bright? The other sad part is that I can't even say this was some weirdo from another country...not only was this guy Canadian, he was Nova Scotian! You'd think people would use common sense from time to time.

"Fiiiiire.....Fiiiiiire" - Ohio Players (and theme of Hell's Kitchen)

Monday, March 23, 2009

Evolution of Dance... remember the Evolution of Dance that was all over youtube and every TV show going? Well the same guy came out with a sequel...voila:

Monday Jokes... here's 51 jokes in 4 minutes...hehehe...very funny!

"I do"... it seems like we're in a wedding boom again, along with our baby boom. YAY! Pants, My Farty Cousin and now Nursemaid are all getting hitched! How exciting is that?! I'll be a hot bridesmaid in my Farty Cousin's wedding so I'm real thrilled about that. Once baby number 2 is born, i'll be on the weight loss, need to fit in a nice dress plan. I'm hoping to be hot stuff my next August...gonna be hard, but i'm up for the challenge. I also can't wait to help plan, especially the wedding music as that's my forte!

Nursemaid, whom we thought would never get hitched, was surprised by the non-calling boyfriend with a ring at the top of the Eiffel Tower. I didn't know he had it in him...actually, I don't think anyone did...I guess there's a lot we don't know about him hehehehehe, right Nursemaid? Who knew the non-calling boyfriend was a closet romantic?

So in other news, I'm gonna give birth to a toddler...yup, this kid's a big one! Had a docs appointment today and he measured my baby belly and I'm measuring 30 weeks....I'm only 26. Good thing I'm already scheduled for a section...sounds like this one could hurt! YIKES!

Me and Timmies aren't having a good's the score:
Timmies: 20
Ldot: 3
You see something wrong with this picture? Yeah, I'm a big honkin loser that's roped into this "Roll up the Rim" thing. Today I went in to get my coffee and ended up with the "who pee'd in your cornflakes?" grump of a worker. She's never pleasant...actually, I'm not really sure if she knows how to smile. I guess she'll never be a botox candidate, eh? Anyways, I gave her my order and when she went to get me some change she looked at the coffee pots, grumbled as she fumbled with my change and caught herself at the "FFFF". Well, I've been known to say a few of those too, but not in front of a customer. And really, all I ordered was a coffee...nothing to "FFFF" about. She looked at me as she caught herself and turned a little red...apparently she knew it was a customer service no-no...and she should, being the supervisor and all. Good thing I'm not the type to go repeat the story, huh?! ;)

"When you love someone, you'll do'll do all the crazy things, that you can't explain..." - Bryan Adams

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Can't avoid this one... I watch the news last night to see the Pope on his way to Africa on a little mission. I don't like talking about religion, but I don't think this is a religious issue. The Pope claims that condoms aren't the answer to stopping the spread of AIDS...abstinence is the best method. Hum....this coming from a man who must abstain from sexual intercourse to continue in his role as Pope...easier said than done my friend.

Today in the Chronicle Herald there's an article about this and I quote the last line: " You can’t resolve it with the distribution of condoms. On the contrary, it increases the problem."-Pope Benedict Here's the link to the article:

Wow...not right sure the Pope is sending the right message. I bet I could find a million tenth grade students that could teach him a little lesson in Sex Ed. Abstinence is the best method, agreed, but let's face it...a basic human need is sex (yup, it's on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs taught in's the link if you don't believe me: - right there on the first rung on the pyramid next to sleep and shelter!) so people are gonna do it. If they're gonna do it then what is the best method of preventing the spread of Aids...CLEARLY it's CONDOMS. So telling people not to bother giving condoms and letting them do what they they've been doing, cause the most part isn't going to abstain, is totally useless. Handing out condoms or educating people on the proper use of a condom is not going to "increase the problem". That's slightly ridiculous. I disagree completely with this mission and I think it gives kids the wrong message. Plus, if everyone constantly abstained from sex, there would be no babies born. Sex is important and the proper education of sex is important as there are big risks, but I guess I would argue it's the same as driving a car. The best way to avoid getting in a car accident is abstaining from driving and getting in cars. The problem with this is that people are gonna drive so how do we let these people know how to avoid getting in a car accident.....yes, that's right...proper education!

I'm real disapointed in our Pope...sorry...

"Let's talk about sex baby, let's talk about you and me..." -Salt-n-Pepa

Monday, March 16, 2009

What not to paint... I drive by the new Lawton's Drug Store today and can't help but write about it. They've been working on this for months and I'm glad to see it's finally done, but the colors....well....I think they need an intervention. I'm no expert, but seems to me orange and baby blue don't match whatsoever! I nearly got in a car accident coming out of Timmies today cause I was so distracted by the's just soooo doesn't match and personally, I think it's not pretty. Maybe they did this for a reason, so that people like me talk about it to everyone and now everyone's gonna go there to see the sight. If that's the case then I think they succeeded. I dunno, but seems to me that if you're gonna spend alllllll that money on making your store measure up to the other drug stores around, you should at least have a focus group or something to vote on your color scheme. Maybe they did and they're all color blind like hubby...never know, maybe they thought they were painting it yellow and least that would have looked better. Check it out next time you drive by and tell me what you's a real eye sore...can't miss it even if you tried, trust me.

Timmies Update:
Timmies 17
Ldot 2

"I'll paint my mood in shades of blue..." - Celine Dion

Friday, March 6, 2009

Economy... i've tried to avoid talking about it, but I guess I can't now. In financial terms, things haven't been that great over the last 6 months. The markets have taken sharp nose dives and part of the reason is due to many failing industries. You see it everyday on the news...job cuts, high unemployment rates, stores closing, seems to be never ending. One thing that is clear, people are drinking their sorrows away! Yup, yesterday in the paper is was reported that the liquor stores are seeing an increase in profits. Don't ya find that interesting? I know I do...but really it shouldn't be a suprise. Back in the depression days, weren't the rum runners one of the few careers that made money? Seems to me I remember something about that from history class. So, I guess next time you poor yourself a drink, know that basically all your neighbours are doing the're not alone...

Timmies Update
Timmies: 11
Ldot: 1

"Could of been the whiskey...might of been the gin..." - the Rovers and many other artists

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Advertising funny... have you seen the new Timmie's Ad for "Roll up the Rim"? Well, I just about peed my pants when I saw it. Here's a clip...

Hahahaha...reminds me of the Canadian Pavilion in Disney. We get there and both hubby and I died laughing. It was nothing but a big totem pole, Indian carvings and t-shirts describing our love of beer! Hilarious. It's pretty bad when you have to go to Florida to see your first totem pole when it's supposedly all you find here in Canada. I think Timmie's played on that with this ad...hehehe..i'm still laughing....Knit a it!

Oh and exciting news...I won my first coffee!! The score is now

Timmie's: 7
Ldot: 1

"Oh Canada, our home and native land..." - The National Anthem

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Parking and Politics... I read and article in the Chronicle Herald today about parking spaces. Apparently the motorbike people want the city of Hdot to offer them free parking for their bikes. Their reasoning is that they take up less space, they ruin less roads, they burn less gas and they leave less pollution. Well isn't that nice? I'm not sure I like the idea of giving them free parking. First of all, I'm all for helping the environment, but I do everything I can in my home for that. Just because I don't ride a motorbike, doesn't mean I'm not helping stop pollution. Not only that, last time I checked, you can't fit a family of 3 or 4 with car seats on a motorbike so it's not even an option anyways! Also, wouldn't you have the same argument for those who drive hybrids? Do they deserve free parking? It's the same argument about gas and pollution. The other issue of less room...I'm not to sure about that. The motorbike is quite long, especially those real fancy motorbikes so it would take up almost the same room as a car along the street since you park parallel to the street....wouldn't you agree? Big deal that it's not as's still the same amount of space. Maybe in a parking garage you could arrange to have the bikes side by side...but generally we're talking the same space. Soooo basically I'm saying that I don't like the idea of free parking for Motorcycles...I wonder what you all think?

The other big issue in the news today was the fact that the Premier of NS was given 4 free tickets to the Olympics as well as the option to buy 200 more. People are criticising him for not knowing what he's gonna do and the opposition is already bashing him should he decide to go as he should have more important things to deal with than the Olympics. Keep in mind the reason for these tickets and the option for more is because NS sponsored the Olympic Project as well as some of the athletes. having said all that...Big deal he got some free tickets! I don't see that as a problem. Now, the issue I would have is about who would be paying for his trip there...him or us. I think he and his family or friends should use the free tickets, but they should buy their own travel, hotel and meals. I'm not game to have them go have a blast somewhere where I can't afford to go, on my dime, when there are better ways to spend that money. As for the 200 other a raffle...let the people of NS have a shot at buying them....not the government, on our dime again. I don't agree with the opposition giving him flack as he should have better things to do...heck, they clearly don't have much better things to do than worry about whether or not the Premier is going to Vandot in 2010! Geesh! That's a year away...are we going to have to talk about this for a whole year? What would they do if they were in power and had these tickets? Let's not point fingers when we know the answer.

So that's that...oh and here's my "Roll up the Rim" standings:

Timmies: 4
Ldot: 0

Not looking too promising!

"Don't Worry, Be Happy" - Bobby McFerrin

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The time has come... it's "Roll up the Rim" time at Timmies! This year i'm going to keep track of my winnings and losses to see who'll or Timmies. My hypotheses would be that Timmies will win as I will end up with at least 50% less winners than the cups I buy. Let's see what happens....

Score to date:

Timmies: 2
Ldot: 0

Not a great start,eh?

"And the winner takes it all...." - ABBA

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The cup... I went for an ultrasound last week to see this little one. Things were great, but boy they sure make you drinks lots of water! The exam takes like an hour and you're already ready to bust before you get there so it's real challenging. Of course, the tech then says, "here's a Styrofoam cup...pee only 2 cups then come back". Oh ya right! I'm full to capacity and you expect me stop after 2 cups!!! PLLLLLEASE. So I go...humoring her...and have another issue. I can't pee in a cup. It's been that way since I got pregnant for the first little one. For some reason I just can't determine where it's going to go...and then once I do finally find it, it dribbles and moves somewhere else. I then find myself with my cup nearly floating in the toilet cause I'm so far back trying to fill the darn thing that my arm cramps up and I just guesstimate. Anyways, I did it...sort of...and as it turns out, it was enough so my guesstimate wasn't too bad.

Today I had to go to clinic and of course, you gotta pee in that darn cup at each visit so here we go again. It's like a game...try to find the pee. I know all you non mom's are thinking...put the cup at the spot and let er more complicated then that. Well actually it is more complicated then that cause then baby moves and we go from Niagara Falls to leaky find the stream??!! Pretty darn hard. I dread the stupid cup....and it'll only get worse cause my belly is getting bigger and once that reaches capacity, I gotta go in blind with the cup....not a good situation.

"Oh ah, just a little bit..." - A 90's dance tune

Monday, February 16, 2009

I have a problem... today I thought that it might be a good day to make coffee at the office instead of getting a Timmies. I was all geared up to just go straight to the office till all of a sudden I remembered something...."Roll up the Rim" usually starts by the end of February! Well, I couldn't miss my chance for a free something so I did what all coffee junkies do and drove by to see if it started today. Thank goodness it didn't so I did end up making coffee at the office, but now i'm gonna be on the look out for the start of the contest....then I get to be a real addict! Again, no worries people, I drink decaf for the little one in there, but I still can't resist going for that darn contest. I know some of you are the same way so don't pretend like i'm the only one who's thought about this...I know i'm not alone...or at least I keep telling myself that I can't be the only one this ridiculous!

"...looking kinda dumb with her finger and her thumb in the shape of an L of her forehead." - Smash Mouth

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Vacation... i've been away on vacation, hence the no posting. We took a family trip to Disney in Florida and had a blast. I just loved Disney and would go right back in a heartbeat. The weather cooperated too so that was good. Somedays it was a little cool, but we were in t-shirts by afternooon so I really can't complain. Apparently the locals were complaining though as it was cold for them. We went to Magic Kingdom one day and everyone was in t-shirts and shorts...basically sweating to death and here's this couple in winter jackets, touques, mittens and scarfs....oh and who can forget the winter boots! It was unreal. It was probably 20 something degrees celcius and they were dressed for the arctic. I hope they never come visit here in the winter...boy wouldn't that be a shock to the system!!

Saw another guy walking around with his arm around what was likely his wife/girlfriend. He was probably nearing 90 and she looked about my age....can someone say Sugar Daddy??!! It was hilarious! I wanted to take a picture, but I didn't get my camera out on time. They were more lovey-dovey then Hubby and I have been in years....well at least they're happy, I guess.

My poor son, though. On the plane he was strapped in his carseat and drank loads and loads of water and juice in order to get his ears to pop. This meant loads and loads of diaper changes! He went through so many pants on those flights that by the time we got off he was only in a diaper. THe other thing is the airplane bathroom...not the most roomy place in the world. I took the little one in to change him and the little itty bitty change table says 25 lbs max...hum...that's a problem as he's 35 lbs. I changed him there that one time, but after that he flashed the whole plane a million times as I just stood him up on his seat and changed him there. I wasn't about to ruin the bathroom change thing and really, it was only a pull up, so it was easy to do in his seat. I'm sure the people around us thought we were crazy cause here's this kid, standing on his car seat, yelling to the plane..."I Pee momma...I pee...I wet" He yelled I pooped a few times, but luckily it was a false alarm!

One thing I've been talking about since I got back was the price of chicken...Un-freakin-real! It was 50 cents/lbs....Crazy, eh?!! I know! I bought 10 quarter chickens for $6.07 would cost like $30 here. I'm not right sure how the price can be so different from there to's not that it's far away...and i'm assuming it's the same chickens....weird isn't it. The gas too. They think it's ridiculously expensive. It's exactly half the price as here. Very odd.

"M I C K E Y M O U S E...Mickey Mouse, da dada...Mickey Mouse..." - The Mickey Mouse Song

Monday, January 26, 2009

Very appealing... my colleague found this book that his Uncle had from when he was in grade school. It was his text book and the name is: "Nova Scotia at Work" - by H.P. Jenkins, published in 1931.

According to this book, less than 3% of the women in Nova Scotia worked outside of the home. This book goes on to describe the job of the 97% plus women in that time did so to entice more to join that line of work....take one guess what that employment was...Homemaker!

Here's exactly what the book says regarding this occupation.

" The homemaker requires a wide variety of arts, skills and knowledge. She should, first of all, be a good psychologist, in order to understand and sympathize with the members of the family group. She must be a dietitian and skillful cook in order to select and prepare the proper foods to keep her family healthy. She should first be a good nurse, for she is often called upon to render first aid to members of her family or to care for them during periods of illness. In order to keep her family well and attractively dressed, she should be a dressmaker as well as a skillful seamstress. This also requires considerable artistic talent. To keep her household clean and sanitary, she has to act laundress and sanitary engineer. To keep the home attractive and comfortable she must be an interior decorator. In order to properly train and look after her children, she must be a child welfare specialist and teacher. In order to operate and adjust the various household appliances and labour-saving devices, she should be somewhat of a mechanic and electrician. She is also usually the chief gardener of the family.
In order to look after the finances of the household, the homemaker should be a good business manager. Practically every homemaker is the purchasing agent for the household.
The sociable side of homemaking is also very important. She should be a good hostess and entertainer. And much of the happiness of the whole family depends upon her being a good companion.
In all of these branches of her profession, the homemaker must make plans and organize her own work and the work of her helpers. That is, she must be a good executive.
In addition to the branches of homemaking already mentioned, many homemakers add to the comfort and beauty of the home by practicing various household arts and crafts, such as knitting, weaving, embroidery, mat hooking, etc. Pickling, preserving and canning of the fruits and vegetables are other household arts of great value. " - "Nova Scotia at Work" by H. P. Jenkins, pages 21-23.

Sounds appealing, eh? No wonder there was a shift after that where more women worked outside of the would be a heck of lot easier than staying home with that job description!! Women have said for years that staying home is the hardest job and now here it is in print....apparently people knew that back in 1931 too.

"It's been a hard days night and I've been working like a dog..." - The Beatles

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Timmies... I went to Timmies this morning to get a decaf. Ya I know...Why Decaf? Well you see, I'm pregnant and it's not good to drink too much caffeine and I know the Timmies Decaf has a little caffeine so I figure I'm making the better choice. Anyways, there was this new girl at the cash and she had about 5 hickey's on her neck...ya I know...hickey's! Can you imagine? It's rather unattractive. They have to put band aids over all their piercings so I'm quite surprised they let the hickey's go. It was rather distracting...more because I couldn't stop staring. Some were little...some were real big and some were skinny and long, almost like someone drew a line on her neck. Why on earth would you want someone to suck on your neck till the blood comes to the surface? Hickey's weren't "cool" when I was younger so I'm not so sure when this girl got the memo they were back in. Anyways...thought I'd share this with you cause I'm wondering if it's just me that's a prude or if you feel the same way. Maybe I'm the one that isn't THAT much in love...hehehe...wonder what hubby would say if I asked him to give me a hickey? Probably would give me the same look he gives me when I ask him to give me a back rub :)

"This kiss, this kiss...unstoppable." - Faith Hill

My two cents... Hubby and I went to the movies last week. We were excited because we hadn't been in a long while and thanks to Grandmere, we didn't have to pay to get in. We walked in and the lady swiped our gift card to pay for the passes and asks me if I'd like it back. Well....yes if there's still money on it. She tells me that I have 2 cents left on my card. Ok....well how about you give me the 2 cents and you keep the card? Nope...couldn't do that. since I'm so cheap I asked her for the card back and will surely use it the next time I go. If they kept everyone's 2 cents it would add up overtime. You may laugh, but think about it...let's say there's 100 people who give them the 2 cents...that's $20! That's the price of two people going to the movies for free. Every cent counts and that's my 2 cents...pardon the pun! hehehe

"Money, money, money...must be a rich man's world." - ABBA

Monday, January 19, 2009

In the news... in today's paper there's a story about a lady in Dartdot who's charging her ex-boyfriend with Aggravated Assault. Apparently while they were dating, the then-boyfriend poked holes through the condoms in hopes she'd get pregnant. All this time the girl had no clue till the doc told her one day she was pregnant. Her and her then-boyfriend ended up breaking up and one day he called her and warned her not to use the condoms with anyone else as he had sabotaged them. She ended up getting an abortion and then had lots of complications after the procedure was done. The condoms were even entered into evidence. She claims that had she known the condoms were sabotaged, she would not have had any sexual relations with her then-boyfriend.

Not sure what the abortion has to do with this story as that's her choice according to Canadian Law and I'm not gonna touch that subject...too controversial to blog about. Let's get back to this boyfriend, now ex-boyfriend....what the heck is wrong with him? He claimed he did it to save the relationship...newsflash....babies don't solve problems! Haven't you watched enough Talk Shows to figure that out yet?? And why are they even bringing this to trial? He admitted to ruining the condoms and admitted he did it to save their relationship...not sure what more a jury or the judge needs to hear. There must be something I'm missing...hum...seems like a waste of court time to me. If he did it and he says he did then what's the problem?

Also in the news today was the story of the tragic death of a local snowmobiler. Very sad and I send my sympathies to his family and friends. One thing that gets me about the article is at the end it says "A Facebook group created in Mr. X's (I left his name out - please read the article for more details) memory had 101 members by Sunday afternoon." - What does it matter how many people joined his facebook group? I find that kinda mean. His family and friends don't care...or I assume they don' many people sign up to his group. This isn't's actually quite sad that it's come to this. Facebook is an excellent way to keep in touch with people and also remember people...does the number of members matter? Just something the think about.

Ydot is getting a plane! YAY! This is exciting news! Apparently there will be a flight from Ydot to Hdot and Ydot to Portdot (USA). There is a meeting tomorrow for the public and for the business people regarding this flight so you might want to check that out. I think it's at the Library so give them a call to confirm the times if you're interested in attending.

"All I know is i've got some good news. I've got some bad news. " - George Strait

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I'm not alone... I was talking the other day about how the Wii noted that I'm overweight. Apparently I'm not alone. Today in the paper there's an article about how the Salmon are too fat too. Not right sure what made them fat, but apparently Salmon Experts feel they are too fat and it's ruining their quality. Well, I'm glad I'm not the only living organism that is my friend the Salmon is in a pickle too. I shouldn't think I'm alone anyways. Oprah announced to the world last week that she's fat again and has fallen off the wagon for over a year now. At first I was motivated by this news as I thought, here's someone who looks like she has it all and the one thing she really wants is the same as my I guess we're not that different after all. Once the show got underway I started to change my opinion. Here she is, richer than rich, with a gym at her house AND at her work, a personal chef and a trainer living in her backyard...all devoted solely to her and she can't lose weight. What hope does that give us broke, no money for gym membership that's 20 mins drive away and need to cook our own meals people? She's got it set up to be thinner and yet she's that's real motivating! Can you imagine if someone made you healthy food everyday with no leftovers to pick at? Ma, I'd be eligible for Canada's Next Top Model in no time! So anyways, apparently me, Oprah and the Salmon are in the same boat.

"You are not alone...I am here with you..." - Michael Jackson

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

That darn game... over the holidays we played the Wii Fit with my brother in law and sister in law. My sister in law, Another Nurse, hadn't played it before so we started her up with her own character...of course hers stayed slim....darn her heheheh! Anyways, she did the ski jumping and was having some trouble so I got up to show her how to do it without having the little girl fall off the ramp. I grab the remote and stand on the board and here it comes....the losing lotto ticket sound ba ba baaaaa and this big message "Your weight has significantly changed since your last try...would you still like to continue?" WELL! Common!!! Mess off WII...mess right off! Do I have to be reminded that I weigh more than her?? need! So I find myself standing on the board yelling at the TV "I'M PREGNANT YOU DUMB @$#!!" Not that that's the only reason, but it was what came to mind at the time. I was so annoyed that when I went to do the ski jumping my little, now PLUMP, character fell of the stupid slide....ARG! This Wii is really starting to aggravate me!

"You drive me crazy..." - Britney Spears