Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Kids say the darndest things... apparently kids have noticed my rather large backside. Master K, years ago, took notice as I bent down to get something and once I left the room he looked at his mom, Master T, aka Titthead, and said "Mama, that a big one!" Well she erupted in laughter and it's been the joke ever since. My niece was down to visit a few weeks ago and we took her swimming. She came in the change room with me and as we were getting ready, she looks at me and says: "Tantie, you have a big bum!" I couldn't help but laugh and told her that it just looks that way as she's a little girl and someday she'd have a big bum too....hehehehe...she bought it! Now this brings me to yesterday when I was cooking supper. The little one comes in and hits my bum...then he proceeds to back up and run right into it, bouncing off and saying "BOING!" He did this a bunch of times so apparently I'm the new bouncy toy of the house. I guess I'm the butt of all jokes with children!

"I like big butts and I cannot lie..." - Sir Mix A Lot

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