Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Can't get rid of me... I'm back now. Things have been busy and this wonderful pregnancy has been challenging, to say the least. Anyways, hopefully now things will be back to normal for a few months so I should be able to blog for a while.

I actually took notice this morning that the Rap artists seem to have run out of things to rap about. I drove into work and hear a new song by Soulja Boy...lyrics go something like this: "I can't see you so why don't you kiss me through the phone..." Ok..seriously? Kiss me through the that supposed to be sexy? First of all, who talks on the phone anymore? Everyone texts or emails so would an emoticon do? Like, about visit your woman and kiss her in person. Very dumb lyrics...and furthermore, not a very catchy tune.

Went to prenatal yesterday and had to get on that dreaded scale. I warned the nurse before I stepped on that it wouldn't be pretty and sure enough...6 lbs. Well, you know what? Frankly, I'm not hungry for fruit and salads anymore.....pasta, chocolate or any type of dessert sounds much better to me. There's only so long a girl can resist the cravings so I just ate them all in this last month...big deal. Today I brought fruit to work, just cause, but let's face it...I grabbed a handful of Mini Eggs before I walked out the door. Those damn things are sooooo good....Yum....and the best part....they're on sale this week :) See ya at the store...

"Hungry eyes..." - Dirty Dancing

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