Friday, December 4, 2009

Celebrity... the life of a celebrity isn't always glorious, eh Tiger? I'm not right sure WHY Tiger Woods thought that his affairs would stay a secret. Does he not know we're 2009? Us common folks can't hide things like that so what on earth made him think he would get away with it? Geesh.....for a guy who makes millions of dollars each year he's not that bright. Now we just have to wait for it...yup...the Tell All Book from one of his know it's coming! Oh and that's the other thing..ONE of his MANY mistresses. You'd think he could have kept it to one of two...nope, not greedy Mr. Tiger...had to screw the world. Ma Ma Ma....No wonder his wife *supposedly* took a golf club after him....lucky she didn't do what Lorena Bobbitt did! I'm sure it crossed her mind but likely the golf clubs were closer.

Let's see if Tiger can play golf under this kind of pressure!

"Pressure...crashing down on me..." - Van Halen

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