Thursday, February 19, 2009

The cup... I went for an ultrasound last week to see this little one. Things were great, but boy they sure make you drinks lots of water! The exam takes like an hour and you're already ready to bust before you get there so it's real challenging. Of course, the tech then says, "here's a Styrofoam cup...pee only 2 cups then come back". Oh ya right! I'm full to capacity and you expect me stop after 2 cups!!! PLLLLLEASE. So I go...humoring her...and have another issue. I can't pee in a cup. It's been that way since I got pregnant for the first little one. For some reason I just can't determine where it's going to go...and then once I do finally find it, it dribbles and moves somewhere else. I then find myself with my cup nearly floating in the toilet cause I'm so far back trying to fill the darn thing that my arm cramps up and I just guesstimate. Anyways, I did it...sort of...and as it turns out, it was enough so my guesstimate wasn't too bad.

Today I had to go to clinic and of course, you gotta pee in that darn cup at each visit so here we go again. It's like a game...try to find the pee. I know all you non mom's are thinking...put the cup at the spot and let er more complicated then that. Well actually it is more complicated then that cause then baby moves and we go from Niagara Falls to leaky find the stream??!! Pretty darn hard. I dread the stupid cup....and it'll only get worse cause my belly is getting bigger and once that reaches capacity, I gotta go in blind with the cup....not a good situation.

"Oh ah, just a little bit..." - A 90's dance tune

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