Monday, March 24, 2008

Holiday...or is it? today is Easter Monday. It is considered a holiday to some and a regular work day to others. Why is that? Can't it be one or the other for all? I don't think the post office is open today but all the banks and stores are...and the schools aren't...not sure about the liquor store...isn't it weird? Why is it that business people are out working, but can't get the mail? Isn't that a little bit of a nuisance? I decided to stay home today...mostly because my hubby is fishing and I don't have a sitter...but even more because it's a half holiday and I feel like taking advantage!

Why did this become a debatable holiday? It's the day after Easter....and that means what? I think it's because most people over eat and need an extra day of lying on the couch hehehe I know I do!

Let's talk about Easter now. .. I said I wouldn't go there, but I can't help it. It started as a day to celebrate Jesus because he came back to life and moved that boulder away from the door of that cave....more or less a miracle. That then evolved to a bunny that lays eggs...which then left those eggs all over the place, none of which contains yolk...mostly leading to a basket full of goodies and gifts. Does this chain make sense to any of you? Don't get me's a great concept, but a very difficult one to explain to a child. All they hear is I don't know about you guys, but chocolate, eggs, bunnies and gifts have nothing to do with Jesus. Well, unless a bunny bounced by the cave, told his friend chicken to go in there as it's a good place to lay eggs...and then somehow we brought chocolate in the mix. Bunnies laying eggs...hum....last time I checked the saying went "what came first, the chicken or the egg?" Maybe it should have been..."What came first, Jesus or a egg laying bunny?"

very strange concept...

"Oh happy day...when Jesus was....ohhhhhh when he was" - Bebe Winans...had to do it again
"A hip hop...a hibbit to the hibbit said a hip hip hop you don't stop..." - I'm drawing a blank on the artist....chocolate has fogged my brain!

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