Thursday, March 13, 2008

Food... i'm following the points system. Seems to be the only way to lose weight because i'm forced to go get weighed in front of someone else. How ridiculous is that? It's a mental thing. I know what size my body is....and so does everyone else...but because some lady is going to see the actual number I feel it necessary to decrease that number. It makes me so annoyed that it has to be that way. Oh well...i'll get over it....especially now that i'm seeing results...and so is that lady!

I really enjoy eating the frozen dinners by that same company. THey're really good...seriously...try some...the Fettucini Alfredo is awesome and tastes like something i'd order at a restaurant. There's one question I have though, why do the pasta ones come with white pasta? Aren't we told Whole Wheat is the way to go? If we look at strictly point value, Whole Wheat is less points so why wouldn't they use that instead? Hum...weird, eh?

I have a lot of weird questions like...
- Why do diapers come with characters all over them? Baby's don't care what's on their diaper...just care that it can hold their business.
- Why do I need to pay fuel tax on my flight....didn't I pay enough for my seat, that clearly need gas to move?
- Why can't they find a plow that doesn't ruin the roads....I don't ruin my deck with my shovel?
- Why is it that sometimes the doors at the mall are "out or order"? What's so hard about opening and shutting?
- Why do I always grab the cart that has the messed up wheel?
- Why does the bar charge to check your coat....aren't you glad I came in the first place?
- Why is it that people panic when the lights turn to flashing....didn't you need to answer that question on your driving test?
- Why do Chia Pets only come in cheesy characters....I bet they'd sell more if they came in Dora or Backyardigans.
- Why do people get offended when you ask them about their msn/facebook names? What did you put it there for if you didn't want people to ask?

just curious...

"Is this the real life? this just fantasy?..." - Queen

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