Monday, March 31, 2008

Parking Tickets... I got a parking ticket the other day. Ya I know...i'm just full of violations these days....anyways...that annoys me. Why do we need to pay to park in Ydot? It's just the downtown that has this issue and let's face it...there aren't that many people to worry about parking. The spots you want right in front of the banks or the few stores down here are always taken so you need to use those parking lots that are a bit of walking distance from wherever you want to go...why give me a ticket for a parking inconvenience? It's $5 if you pay it right away...then $15 after that....not a huge sum of money, but it's just the point. We pay taxes to keep the pavement in order...and I suppose we pay taxes for the parking ticket person to give me a ticket to park somewhere I technically paid to park...common! The Mayor parks his mayormobile in a no parking zone everyday and doesn't get a ticket, nor does he have a parking pass...why can he park for free? Also, this said illegal parking takes place directly infront of the parking ticket office!

Sometimes you're longer than 2 when you go to the gym, or the accountants, or even the hair salon. What if you have a full day at the spa? You supposed to run out in the mini parking lot by the salon with your mud mask and bathrobe to move you car? According to the signs and the law, that's exactly what you'd need to do. Oh but wait...if you want to go to the lawyers office....the lawyer that tends to hang with the other illegal parker in get a little sign to put in your window. No tickets for his is that fair?

Apparently I need to get in Ydot politics to get a free parking pass...

"I paved paradise and put up a parking lot" - Amy Grant

Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Adventure... last night was tv night with my Chatty Friend, Master T and the Corrections Man and we decided to go on an adventure. My Chatty Friend and the Correction Man's have a mom that played a practical joke on them the night before so they wanted revenge. She likes to play jokes so we knew this would be fun. It was called "Operation Scare Nanny". So the plan was to sneak up the driveway with no lights on, scratch on the side of the house cause she's afraid of mice and then jump up to scare her.

Here we down the road, the four of us ready to put our plan in motion....we're laughing already so it's not going to be good...we can tell. We turn in the driveway and shut of the lights. The driving lights were too bright so Master T pulls the Emergency Brake a little to get those to shut off and darkness. Now this plan was our heads! None of us factored in that we would not be able to see enough to even drive the rest of the way up the driveway! So here we are...sitting in the dark....almost peeing our pants laughing cause now we're stuck at the beginning of the driveway, with no idea how on earth we were going to make it to the house. We had no option but to walk the rest of the way. As you can see, this plan is working real well.

We get to the house...out of breath and tired...and sneak down by the windows. We start scratching and "Nanny" shut off the TV and started yelling..."I hear you don't scare me!" We're laughing hysterically at this point so Master T goes to the door and pretends to try to scare "Nanny" and they laugh and go sit down. "Nanny" now thinks that the gig is done....hahaha...little does she know there's still 3 of us outside. Thinking real quick, Master T leaves the door open a crack before going to sit down and then starts chatting up a storm with "Nanny". Corrections Man sneaks in and tries to find the power switch to shut off all the lights, but trips over the dog dish and spills water everywhere. "Nanny" laughs and thinks that now the gig is really up....she caught Corrections Man trying to scare her, but she thinks they've failed. Now that leaves 2 of us. My Chatty Friend sneaks in and gets a bottle of water....sneaks behind "Nanny" and jumps up and yells while spraying water all over her. "Nanny" jumps up and starts laughing...."you got me this time!" she says. My Chatty friend ran away from her with the water and passes it to me without "Nanny" knowing and they chat about our plan to scare her. She is swearing and laughing and then starts walking my way to get some paper towel and BAM....I pop out throwing the rest of the water in her face and she screams! HAHAHA ....we all laugh....then leave her there to clean our mess!

Now we have to walk all the way back down the driveway...laughing like crazy....things didn't go according to plan, but we did get her!

"I ain't afraid of no ghost!" - Theme from Ghostbusters

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Accent or no accent... I was talking to My Chatty Friend, Master T and the Corrections Man last night about how people with accents never seen to have them when they sing. Isn't that weird? It's like it disapears for those 3 minutes and then comes back as soon as the song is over. My chatty friend named Natasha Bendingfield as a good example. She has a strong accent in all of her interviews, but you never detect it in any of her songs. Download's true! Even Celine Dion has a thick French accent and there's no French twang in "The Power of Love". I mentioned Gloria Estefan too. She has a lisp and there's no lisp in "Common shake your body baby do the Conga...". Is it because they automatically get rid of their accents or speach impediments as soon as the music starts, just like magic.....or is it that we just don't hear it? I guess the only singer I can think of that you notice the accent is Shakira....listen to "Wherever, Whenever"...definitely some twangs in there.

Actually that brings me to another question....while we're on the topic of twangs. Why do you need to add a twang in order to become a Country Artist? They all have that Southern Twang...and many of them don't even come from the South. That's kinda weird too. It seems like in order to qualify for a country song you need to bring that southern twist and talk about a lying, cheating spouse. All the songs sound the same....same left me with're an alcoholic...I caught you in bed with someone else....let's go to the bar and do shots or drink beer....horses are the best mode of transportation...I could go on and on!

I'm not feeling that great so i'm going to end this post.......i'll be more happening tomorrow.......sorry i'm blah...

"Sweet Home Alabama...." -happens to be on the radio right now....and works well with the Southern feel to my blog!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Pyramid... there's this guy from Canada stuck in Cuba and I think his old cook is there too. They're both in prison. He started a $60 million dollar pyramid scheme and she invested in it...apparently not knowing it was a scam. He is quoted in the paper today as saying that she didn't know...his own wife didn't even know. I wanna know what on earth his wife thought he was doing? He said he was bringing in more money than he knew what to do she really thought it was legit. Last time I checked, when someone brought in that kind of cash they were either in the "farming/plant" field or maybe that guy/gal who runs the Escort Service the NYC Governors ya they raked in the dough!

Let's get back to this guy in prison. He wants Canada to step up and help him out. Why? Why would Canada want to have him back? He stole money, and openly admits it, from thousands of people and he thinks we now owe him a favor. Are you bright? I really don't care if this guy stays wanna know why he's in prison there and not here....he jumped bail and moved to do you feel bad for him? Hardly. Some people just aren't bright at all. Quoted in the paper as an arrogant loser and then expecting us to bend over backwards to get you out. You could have gone to jail're the one who decided sunny Cuba would be best...make up your mind. Geesh.....some people's kids.

"Feeling Hot hot hot..." - the tribute song to every Carribean location!
"Walk like and Egyptian..." -The Bangles

Monday, March 24, 2008

Holiday...or is it? today is Easter Monday. It is considered a holiday to some and a regular work day to others. Why is that? Can't it be one or the other for all? I don't think the post office is open today but all the banks and stores are...and the schools aren't...not sure about the liquor store...isn't it weird? Why is it that business people are out working, but can't get the mail? Isn't that a little bit of a nuisance? I decided to stay home today...mostly because my hubby is fishing and I don't have a sitter...but even more because it's a half holiday and I feel like taking advantage!

Why did this become a debatable holiday? It's the day after Easter....and that means what? I think it's because most people over eat and need an extra day of lying on the couch hehehe I know I do!

Let's talk about Easter now. .. I said I wouldn't go there, but I can't help it. It started as a day to celebrate Jesus because he came back to life and moved that boulder away from the door of that cave....more or less a miracle. That then evolved to a bunny that lays eggs...which then left those eggs all over the place, none of which contains yolk...mostly leading to a basket full of goodies and gifts. Does this chain make sense to any of you? Don't get me's a great concept, but a very difficult one to explain to a child. All they hear is I don't know about you guys, but chocolate, eggs, bunnies and gifts have nothing to do with Jesus. Well, unless a bunny bounced by the cave, told his friend chicken to go in there as it's a good place to lay eggs...and then somehow we brought chocolate in the mix. Bunnies laying eggs...hum....last time I checked the saying went "what came first, the chicken or the egg?" Maybe it should have been..."What came first, Jesus or a egg laying bunny?"

very strange concept...

"Oh happy day...when Jesus was....ohhhhhh when he was" - Bebe Winans...had to do it again
"A hip hop...a hibbit to the hibbit said a hip hip hop you don't stop..." - I'm drawing a blank on the artist....chocolate has fogged my brain!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Pardonez-moi... I don't quite understand why we always use French words in the way that we do. Like why is it that when someone swears they then say "pardon my french". There was nothing french in what they said. Is it only french people that swear or something? Pardon my ma about pardon my language - period? If I started listing the french swear words on here none of you would even know what I was talking they don't bring as much oomph to what you're trying to say so it's useless....might was well not swear at all.

Yesterday I saw on the news that the new NYC Governor...ya the one who replaced the one who made $80,000 worth of no-nos...just publicly annouced he and his wife had a "Menage a trois". Why does that have to be said in french? Is it only french people who do that....cause clearly this guy isn't why can't they use the english term? Is it more acceptable if it's said in french?

Same goes for a Deja-vu. Why not say "oh I had an already-seen today"? They always say as if the french say "Mais oui, j'ai eu un Already-seen aujourd'hui"....that makes no sense!

Did you know that RSVP is french too? Yes it stands for Repondez S'il Vous Plait. Why not put PRRA? Please Respond Right Away How did we end up using the french term?

These things don't bother me as I speak a funky kind of french anyways...just makes me curious. I mix english and french together in all my sentences so I can't really judge....but these are just common examples the whole world uses. We don't use spanish for certain none of us say...."TGIV....Thank God It's Viernes" we say thank god it's Friday.....well it's not quite Friday yet, but it feels like it cause tomorrow is a Holiday!

"Holiday...celebrate!" - Madonna
"Baby I swear it's Deja Vu..." - Beyonce
"What made you said that?" - Shania Twain

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Working out... I was driving down the road and drove past some guy out for a jog. I realize it's a nice day and exercise is something we should all do...but why does it look so painful? This guy was in a complete spandex get-up right to the piece that covered his head. He had the most smooshed, squinty, gonna keel over and die look on his face....and what for? If it's that awful then why do it? Why would someone want to go do something they despise? (and maybe that's not the case with this guy, but sure didn't look like fun to me) Does he then go home and think...ah, I feel GRRREAT! Likely he goes home and nose is running...and there's no more Kleenex...and now that I'm sweaty how am I going to take off this frigging spandex...and this blister on my toes hurts...and there's no more water in the water cooler...well darn, I have to go get groceries...but now it's late in the day cause I took to much time running this morning...and what am I going to cook for supper....AHHH! No, probably not that bad...I bet he's happy...just gotta look at the expression on his face!

Actually, to talk a little more about grumpiness, the lady working at the Train Station Timmies yesterday must have got up on the wrong side of the bed! I went there at lunch time to get a coffee and a bagel. I went in...yes because that's what you do when you order a bagel...and got my coffee and had to wait at the other counter for my bagel. You can tell she's not happy based on the manner in which she beat the cream cheese on my bagel. Also the other clue was that she left it all in clumps everywhere and was sighing quite a bit when she was wrapping it up. As she passes me my clumpy, only cream cheesed on one side bagel (which annoys me too cause I wanted a bagel...not a sandwich so why would I want to eat dry bread then the cream cheesed bread)...anyways..she looks up at the monitor and sees some more orders and says "GEE...stop it with the orders...ain't I allowed to have a break?!" Well lady, how about no because it's lunchtime so it doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out that your particular counter will be real busy for the next hour AND FURTHERMORE I'm on break and want to have a peaceful and joyful break so your pissy attitude is not helping the situation.......well, that's what I wanted to say. I didn't...all I did was smile and said "thank you oh so very much!" with the most happy and perky and showing the most teeth voice I could...because you all know how annoying it is when someones happy and you're not revenge.

"Happy Happy, Joy Joy" - Ren and Stimpy
"Oh happy day..." - Bebe Winans
"Let's get physical...physical..." - Olivia Newton John
"Don't worry, be happy" - Bobby McFerrin

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Another one... I read in today's paper about another teacher that was fired for having a relationship with a student. I don't know about you guys and gals, but I never once thought about dating one of my teachers. Is it that they were all older and seemed to be ancient at the time ? (I don't think that anymore as my definition of "Old" is quite different then it was back then - just so ya know)

I don't remember having young teachers...well maybe a few substitutes...but that's about it....and a relationship - hardly what I was thinking about at that time. I just wanted to pass the course and get out of there. Dating a teacher, at that time, was equivalent as cooties to a toddler....YUCK! (No offence to all my old teachers.) I enjoyed some of my teachers...some were funny...others were odd which was in turn, Funny....others were mean, which is OK cause someone had to be and that made me giggle as long as they weren't yelling at me....not once did I feel the need to hang out with them after hours. I guess the only exception would be the teacher in my own household...I call him oceanographer. I had to deal with him....could be a little challenging at times but I'm sure he'd say the same about me.

Actually he talked about me a lot in school. So who remembers the story of the Fresh water shark?? HAHAHA ya that was me. It goes something like this for all those who need a refresher... my brother and I decided to swim from our sailboat to the shore (which wasn't far away). He had a tube to float on and mine had busted so all I had was a flutter board. Well the water was murky as it was fresh water and looked like all the lakes around here...muddy and yucky...anyways, I got in and sunk down a little since I was a tad bit on the plump side and my flutter board wasn't holding me out of the water like my tube used to....SOOOOO....I started to panic cause I don't like not knowing whats under me. Well the oceanographer decides to say..."don't worry, there's not that many Fresh Water Sharks".....Totally expecting me to know that there was no such a thing....well he was WRONG and instead I freaked out, cried and screamed till Dr.L pulled my out. Mommy dearest was mad at oceanographer for quite a while after that incident...and that was how I learned that there is no such a thing as a Fresh Water Shark. Guess I should have listened a little more in school

......Oh but there's one thing I learned in school that I'll never forget and that was in Grade 5. Everyday our teacher would get a student to look up "the word of the day" in the dictionary and explain to the class what it meant. Well, my day the word was SCUBA. (Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus) Well actually, it's an acronym, but whatever. I have never forgotten that day and have always waited for the day I could answer that question on Jeopardy. Ya i know, real sad that my life goal was to answer "Scuba stands for what?"....but truth of the matter is, it was and it happened about 5 years ago. Me, hubby, and in laws were watching Jeopardy and there it was...the question I had been waiting for since the 5th I stand up and yell at the top of my lungs...WHAT IS SELF CONTAINED UNDERWATER BREATHING APPARATUS...YES!!! I felt so smart in that moment....till I turned around and saw their faces and realized that most people knew this and I looked like a knob.

"just keep swimming...just keep swimming..." - Dorey on "Finding Nemo"
"Da dun...da dun.....da dun da dun da dun..." - Jaws....right before he pops out of the SALT water to attack.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Gramatically Correct... today I finished my coffee and did what I normally do - smoosh the cup and use my thumbs to Roll Up the Rim. Today, to my surprise, it said: "win/gagnez un beigne/donut". YAY...except that doesn't sound right. Isn't it "UNE beigne"? I'm sure a large company like Timmies would do their homework...but for some reason I keep thinking this is incorrect....anyone else? ok, now it's bothering me.

We often use words or make sentences the wrong way. For example:

That's way more better. - I say this all the time...not really the correct way to use those words, but it works.

I don't like doing it that way, myself - How many of you use that one? HAHAHA ....we already knew you didn't like it - yourself!

J'vas demande a mame - This is the classic Wdot thing to say....not correct as you "Demander" someone. (Ignore the french spelling as I don't have a French keyboard so I can't do the "accents" and stuff - but you get the point.)

Ma, ya right - There's nothing correct about this one. "Ma" isn't even a word...well unless you live in Nashville or somewhere really "country" as it's used all the time to describe a mother or grandmother.

Now that I think about it...are there two ways to spell Donut? Is it Donut or Doughnut? I guess it could be the same situation as Neighbor or Neighbour. (I learned how to spell this one in Grade 2....pretty sad that I still remember that, but it was a hard word back then......oh gee, I'm going to stop reminiscing....I'm starting to sound like certain good friend of mine hahahaha! Love ya :P)

" easy as 123..." - Jackson 5
"These words are my own..." - Natasha Beddingfield

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Dear Mother Nature... not right sure what's up with you (Mother Nature) these days. Are you mad at us for some reason? I really want to know because, frankly, I'm a little tired of this awful weather. The groundhog did his thing a while back so did someone forget to give you the memo? Spring is on Thursday....enough with the snow. I like snow, just not lots of it and is there any need of putting it on the roads? Just cause you don't drive doesn't mean we don't want to.

You're costing us money to heat our homes to go down South in order to avoid the cold on snow tires (arg, I hate the word tires) on new wipers cause I frigged mine up on the little chunk of ice I forgot to scrape off on a new scrapper cause you can never find the one you used last year. on snowplows and salt/sand - apparently we're over budget this year on this snow removal thing so that means...
....more money in taxes on the little bottle of spray for you new shoes (you know you always end up buying a new one cause you can't remember if you still have the last one) on buying random stuff cause you go shack wacky and the only outing is to the mall. on that extra Timmies just cause it's cold. (well that's my excuse)

So let's make a deal. You can have this week do get it straight and when the Easter Bunny (that brings eggs - very strange concept. Does anyone else find that a little odd and very confusing for the small children? Anyways...) hops on back home...he can take winter along with him. Capish? Capish!

There...I feel much better!

"...there is a season...Turn, turn, turn..." - The Byrds
"I come undone...this mad season" - Matchbox 20
" can pay my bills..." - Destiny's Child
" Rain....Tax....weeds grow up through the pavement cracks" - Celine Dion
"Hey mes amis? Etes-vous taner de l'Hiver?....voila le LCD SHOVEL 2007...Unnnnnnbelievable!" - Tetes a claques

Friday, March 14, 2008

"Do you see what I see..." I was watching some tv shows I taped last night. I really like the one with "The Donald". For some reason I take great joy in watching people get told they are awful by a man with an awful hairdo...then he says those words..."You're Fired!". So let's get back to his hair. What is up with his hair? Doesn't he know there are many new products/treatments out there that can help. I'm not making fun of the fact his hair is thinning....cause so is mine. Ya, I'm young, but I died my hair back in the day with some home kit...not a bright idea...and we left it in a little long so my pretty blond highlights turned into white clumps that all fell out. Anyways, let's get back to "the Donald". If I owned one of those hair putter-back-onner companies I'd soooo be calling him....Hello spokesperson! Instead he chooses to slick it over to the side with a little wave-thing going on for his bangs...not the sexiest style ever, but I guess I only need to put up with it for an hour per week....his poor wife.

I see all kinds of things on TV that I don't like. Oh like why does Ellen D's stylist find it fashionable to dress her with black pants and navy shirts. Fashion 101 lady...NAVY AND BLACK DOESN'T MATCH! Fiew, that one really annoys me. She did it 3 times last week...maybe I should write in.

The other thing that really bothered me was a while back when the Pope passed away. I can totally understand people wanting to see him and pay their respects....but why didn't someone adjust his feet? He was laying there with one foot straight up and the other on a 45...darn near drove me crazy. I don't know if they started out both together and one started to droop...or if there's some meaning in a 45 degree angle that I'm not aware of...maybe I need to write in on that one too.

I guess I'm too observant...cause I have another one. So I watch Soap Opera's. Not right sure why they're called that as they rarely bathe and when they do there's no soap involved....and I've yet to see someone belt out a tune....anyways, that wasn't my point. Did you ever notice they never take off their shoes? Look next time...whether they walk in a house or they were already in their own, they always have footwear. Weird, isn't it. Not the common thing to do around here, but what do I know!

"Gimme a head with hair...long beautiful hair..." - not sure who sings this.
"I keep on falling...." - Alicia Keys
"Come together...right now..."-Beatles (hahah I thought this one was appropriate - couldn't of said it better!)
"These boots are made for walking..." - The Supremes
"Who's bed have your boots been under?" - Shania Twain
"God shuffled his feet and glanced around them..." -Crash Test Dummies
"If I had a million dollars..." - Barenaked ladies (..I'd buy a hair piece)

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Food... i'm following the points system. Seems to be the only way to lose weight because i'm forced to go get weighed in front of someone else. How ridiculous is that? It's a mental thing. I know what size my body is....and so does everyone else...but because some lady is going to see the actual number I feel it necessary to decrease that number. It makes me so annoyed that it has to be that way. Oh well...i'll get over it....especially now that i'm seeing results...and so is that lady!

I really enjoy eating the frozen dinners by that same company. THey're really good...seriously...try some...the Fettucini Alfredo is awesome and tastes like something i'd order at a restaurant. There's one question I have though, why do the pasta ones come with white pasta? Aren't we told Whole Wheat is the way to go? If we look at strictly point value, Whole Wheat is less points so why wouldn't they use that instead? Hum...weird, eh?

I have a lot of weird questions like...
- Why do diapers come with characters all over them? Baby's don't care what's on their diaper...just care that it can hold their business.
- Why do I need to pay fuel tax on my flight....didn't I pay enough for my seat, that clearly need gas to move?
- Why can't they find a plow that doesn't ruin the roads....I don't ruin my deck with my shovel?
- Why is it that sometimes the doors at the mall are "out or order"? What's so hard about opening and shutting?
- Why do I always grab the cart that has the messed up wheel?
- Why does the bar charge to check your coat....aren't you glad I came in the first place?
- Why is it that people panic when the lights turn to flashing....didn't you need to answer that question on your driving test?
- Why do Chia Pets only come in cheesy characters....I bet they'd sell more if they came in Dora or Backyardigans.
- Why do people get offended when you ask them about their msn/facebook names? What did you put it there for if you didn't want people to ask?

just curious...

"Is this the real life? this just fantasy?..." - Queen

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Kinda Scary... this guy named Burnley Nickerson is getting out of prison today and the National Parole Board is warning the public that this man is at high risk to re offend. Re offend what, you ask...well for sexual assaults. This guy is like 69 years old and has a criminal record stemming back into the early 80's, all to do with violent sexual attacks on women. I guess his first victim was his wife and it hasn't stopped since.

I guess now the cops can't keep him in jail as they have no charges so basically he's going to roam the streets of Ydot until he does it again. That to me is completely scary especially when his last attack was an elderly woman (I think in her late 80's) in her own home.

Let's talk about rights for a minute. I understand that he has the right to a life...but don't we have a right to feel safe in our house, community, Province and Country? Why do his rights take precedence over mine? I'd dare say he's given us more than enough reason to take away his rights....can't that be a rule somewhere? Let's use that common sense thing again....I know some lack this gene...but I know all ya'll have it so here we go....

Why don't we have a law that states that if you commit crimes over X number(this gives those no-common sense people the opportunity to give input so let's let them pick a number 1-5) can't be allowed to make your own decisions anymore - the courts will and it won't be pretty. This man has been guilty of doing the same thing over and over again for the last 30 years and now the courts/cops say that there's nothing they can do...ya right...what about having the right to arrest him again if he is within 10 feet of a female or child.....seems to me he'd be back in jail before the cab could pick him up! Only sounds fair to me. People who are charged with anything to do with guns have a ban against ever using/being near a firearm....what's the difference? Just cause his "weapon" is attached to his body shouldn't mean it's any's still a "weapon" used to hurt others...same deal....let's think about that.

Well that's what I think about that....oh and speaking of that said "weapon", that Governor that had a little problem yesterday by using his in the wrong "place" is now being accused of paying up to $80,000 for those lady friends. Didn't anyone send him the memo that said..."doing things the Bill Clinton way only gets you out of your job and gives those ladies loads of money after their book deals/interviews"! Must have been too busy and missed that memo....

"I gotta have faith...oohhhh I gotta have faith" - George Michael

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Some people's kids... I read the paper today and see on the front page a story about the NYC Governor who has been charged with paying $4,300 for a call girl. He claimed to be "mr. clean" when it comes to his past and reputation....maybe he should of thought a little more before blurting that out a year ago. I wonder if the leather in his mouth taste good after that "foot in mouth" comment.

He did this the night before Valentines day while his wife and three daughters were at home waiting for their hard working husband/dad to come home from his business trip. Are you bright, man? I get that men think differently then women, but that doesn't make it right for them to go around getting it on the side from whoever just cause they feel like it or cause they feel like they are better than the rest of the world due to their powerful position. HELLO...didn't you learn anything from the last President?

It's also really sad that his wife has to stand there during the press his side...while he admits he did wrong. I know the song goes..."Stand by you man"...but I don't think it's meant to be taken litterally. How about men start standing by their that's an idea, eh?

"...he was looking kind of dumb with his finger and his the shape of an L on his forehead..." - Smash Mouth Again!

Monday, March 10, 2008

"Please don't stop the music..." I listened to my new Satelite Radio over the weekend and found it very enjoyable. I sang songs that I forgot even Taylor Dayne, Bell Biv Devoe, Johnny Gill, Genesis, Spin Doctors...all kinds. I was obsessed with the 90's, as you may be able to tell by the artists I listed! If you can picture the scene from the movie "The Heartbreak Kid" with Ben Stiller when he and his new wife are driving to their resort South on their Honeymoon....she sings every song on the radio for hours and hours......well, that was me. I didn't realize how many songs I do know and how many I still know all the words! Poor hubby, had to sit through that. Our trip went something like this...

"..turn the beat around, love to hear percussion..." "...this is, two princes who adore you, now go ahead now..." "...two hearts, living in just one mind..." "when a man loves a woman..." "...Love will lead you back, someday i'll just know that..." "Mr. Wendell....yeah ah ah ah ah ah..." "Do me baby..." Today is gonna be the day that we're gonna throw it back to you..." "common and, let's do it...ride pony..."

Who's in on my next roadtrip? :P

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Price Club... I went to the Price Club yesterday. What a place...I think I could stay there all day! You get to look at some good stuff, plus have a whole meal on samplers and even get a drink ( if you're real lucky). Yesterday they even had an added bonus.....right by the checkout they were serving gum...PERFECT! Now, don't know about all of you, but I can't seem to walk out of there for under $100. No such a thing. Sometimes I even look in the cart and think...gee, i've done good today...then I get to the checkout and the lady says $175 or something....almost seems like the less you have in the cart the more money you spend.

I also tend to buy massive amounts of things that really aren't necessary. Like deoderant, for example. Not only can you buy one...oh no...this package has 5 deoderants. that's why you spend lots of money. It's such a great deal, I save .50 on each deoderant so i've saved $2.50 this year on One thing that is a great deal is the clothes. I bought PJ's for the little boy for $7.99/piece. They are good quality and have feet with the grippers so he doesn't wipe out on the laminant floors. See the problem is this, since they are sooooo awesome and I can't get to the Price Club everyday I felt the need to buy 3 pairs. Yup, see it all adds up. Oh and I bought Bread Crumbs too. they just looked good...they have some kind of seasoning in them and of course, I bought a package with two massive containers....and VOILA...bread Crumbs for the next 2 years.

Also part of the Price Club experience it bumping into random people you know. Ya about every two aisles I stopped for 10 minutes talking to someone I knew. I even ran into someone I went to school with that's on baby number 3....geesh...I guess you need massive packages of everything when you have 3 kids! I wonder if she saw the Bread crumbs - probably would make good nuggets.

so I didn't miss an aile and ended up $147 in the hole.

"....don't wanna close my eyes, don't wanna fall asleep cause i'd miss you babe....and I don't wanna miss a thing." - Aerosmith

" can find me in the club..." - 50 Cent

Friday, March 7, 2008

"You're with your friends...

...the Backyardigans!" So Hubby and I are taking our little boy to see the Backyardigans this weekend. He loves that show...little boy that is, not so much Hubby. Our little boy sings and dances when he watches and is mesmorized. It's super cute.

If I were bright, i'd start a kids show. What a money maker that would be?! We're paying $69 for little boy and I to go watch the show, not to mention all the money we've spent on toys and DVD's. They are super smart because for every one ticket you'll sell two...likely no parent would send their kid all that's a lot of money just to write a show with colorful characters going on adventures for a half hour every day. I don't know what they'll do live...probably sing and dance...and the show starts at 1 then there's another one at 4....for two days! smart people, I tell ya...I can hear the Cha-ching now.

oh and I decided to take the plunge and buy a Satelite Radio. Ya in know it's almost obsolete now, but i'm a little I that means my music library will improve! I'll let you know how it goes after this weekend trip is over. Here's a few songs that have to do with money that I can think of off the top of my head...just for fun...

"Money, money money, must be a rich man's world" - ABBA
"I want money, lots and lots of money....I wanna be rich....ohhhhh..." - some guy from the 80's
"money money money money...MONEY..." - The Apprentice theme (the show with the Donald)
"Got my mind on my money and my money on my mind" - Snoop Dog
"Hey I got your money" - some rapper, I forget who
"She works hard for the money...da da da hard for it honey..." -Donna Summer
"if I was a rich girl...nananananananana..." -Gwen Stefani
" never count your money, when you're sitting at the table..." -Kenny Rogers
"...give us a million dollars and we'll play whatever you want! " - CJLS Commercial

Oh here's a good one...

"That ain't workin'...that's the way you do it...Money for nothin' and chicks for free" - Dire Straits

Drive Thru... I go to get my fix this morning at Timmies. I tend to go to the old Train Station and seem to end up with Drive Thru Rage before I get my coffee. Most people go down the entrance by Kentucky Yucky and line up that way, but there are the odd few that decide to come down, what I call the wrong way hill. It's alright that they decided to go that way, but what on earth makes them think that gives them the right to get their coffee before me? They always try to butt's annoying. I know some of you are thinking well who cares if you need to wait two more minutes for your coffee Ldot? I'll tell you why....cause most of the time the car that cuts you off is the one who decides to order a bagel or sandwich...ya those you're nodding your heads! Tim's Drive Thru should only be used for Muffins, Doughnuts, Timbits, beverages and Cookies. They are not geared up to get your food out quickly like fast food places so just go in...really...then when they accidentaly start toasting your bread or start putting on Strawberry Cream Cheese that you didn't ask for you can inform them. Much easier.

This morning this guy comes down the wrong way hill and I had been waiting for a couple minutes so I was the next to get on the home stretch....well he starts to go...WHY...I was CLEARLY there first and had been for 2 minutes before he even turned down the hill...why does he feel he's more important that me and deserves his coffee I do what most people do....turn my head as if I didn't see him and get in line before him...oops...sorry man...

After that experience I go through the rejection that we all endure....Please Play Again/Reessayez S.V.P. :)

"...this may not be the perfect world, but I know we can keep it together..." -song on that radio station a minute ago. See...lyrics always make sense to whatever you are doing/talking about/thinking.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Not too bright... I read in the paper today that the nutcase in New Brunswick, Depres, was found "not criminally responsible for his actions." Ok...that makes no sense. So he goes and brutally murders an elderly couple and apparently the judge feels that he didn't know right from wrong when he did that so instead of going to jail, he'll spend time in a mental prison where they'll re-assess his situation every year. Does anyone else see that as completely retarded? I think the judge had a temporary moment of insanity, don't you?

So basically what you're telling me is that Depres woke up that morning, went crazy, killed his neighbors, ran away and hid for a while and that he did this all while he was nuts....almost like the boogie man made him do it. Now, he could roam the earth in a year or two when he's back to the real world (in his head) like nothing happened. Righton crayon. I think that if this guy is capable of having "an out of body experience" such as this then maybe we should lock him up just in case he has another bad day - not ship him out on the streets when he can tell them he's all better. Paul Bernado brutally murdered a bunch of people and we've locked him up for years and years - was he thinking sanely when he comitted his crimes? I hardly think so as no bright person does something like that. What makes him any different than this Depres guy? If Depres didn't know what he did was wrong then why did he take off in hiding? Why wouldn't he of turned on the TV and played a boardgame....why not mow the lawn....why not make a cup of coffee and read the me that would be what a person would do if they had no sweet clue what was going on...HELLO!

What ever happened to common sense?

"...I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed..." - Smash Mouth

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Here fishy fishy fishy... I had fish for lunch today. I am on a diet so I have to watch what I order and I like fish so I tend to go with Broiled Fish and Salad. Now, let's talk a minute about the portion of said fish and salad. My question is this: Why is it that it seems like the guy who ordered Deep Fried Fish got way more than me who ordered the broiled version? I don't know if my eyes are playing tricks on me or if they have some super sized batter that bulks up the fish....but the two were not the same size. I guess it's kinda like when you go to the Sub place and ask for light mayo. They automatically put a tiny strip because why on earth would someone eating light anything want as much as the person who orders the regular stuff???!! Ma ma ma... C'mon...I wanted Broiled fish....that means, I want the same portion as you normally serve but instead of injecting my fish with lots of fat, i'd prefer you slap it under the broiler. Or when I say I want light mayo I want you to squirt some then bag it on the counter and squirt some more....don't just give up after the first little squirt - just cause i'm on a diet doesn't mean that I love looking at an empty plate or can't wait to eat dry bread...GEESH!

"Oh oh ohhhhhhh, oh oh ohhh, what's in the middle? the white stuff!" - Weird Al

Motivational Man... I went to see Tony Robbins the other know, the guy that's mouth looks like a horse....massive teeth, this guy has...anyways, it was rather entertaining. He's a motivational speaker and I think he's friends with Dr. Phil or something. There were speakers before him. Some were good, some were bad.

There was this one guy who ripped down every Financial Planner - not a good plan considering out of the 4500 people there I'd guess 70% were planners! He kept telling everyone how they could be a millionaire just like him by buying and selling stocks. Alright, that could work but I was thinking there must be a catch.....well sure enough, in order to do that we needed to enroll in his weekend course for a whopping $6000! BAHAHAHAHA oh and it didn't stop there....we also needed to buy HIS software to help make the right stock choices that renews every 6 months. Seeing that he was such a nice guy...GAG...he decided that for that day only, he'd offer his course for $995 and we would be RETARDED not to enroll right this second. Oh it gets better....and looky here, there were people all over the Metro Center ready to enroll all of us RIGHT NOW so we'd better run to sign up as spaces were limited. Well you should of seen the mad dash of the 30% of not Financial Planner people running to get signed up...women with high friggen heels running from the floor seats all the way to the concourse just to get this once in a lifetime opportunity. It was extremely hilarious. Now, Some of what he said made sense, but basically he was riping down Financial Planners because we make money by helping guide people into what to invest and his spiel was that we can all do it ourselves (Read between the lines disclaimer: you can only do it yourself with my help because I am god and deserve $6000 per person plus renewal fees but I don't make money off telling you want to do cause again, I am your savior and you do it all by yourself with all my stuff!) Bahahaha So he was a crock of poo poo.

Tony Robbins came on and I was a little skeptical but I was going to keep an open mind. Well, in about 5 minutes I was hugging all my neighbors, all of which are complete strangers, and jumping up and down with my hands in the air. If the thought of me jumping up and down with my new high heels isn't funny enough, just picture my sight from the upper bowl looking down and seeing 4499 people doing the was quite the sight! He had a good message and basically it was that if we have a positive attitude then others around us will do the same. Made sense and I did lose some weight by jumping up and down, not to mention the fact that I really broke in my new shoes and got to hug strangers on numerous occasions!

And for my musical's an exerpt from the song on the radio right now...oh but wait, YAY I just won a free coffee!!! Oh joy, oh bliss!

"It's a lonely old let me put my arms around you..."

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Speedy Gonzales... I got caught for speeding last week. Yup, I was driving to The Sitter in Wdot and Cst. Lavoie was hanging out at the Monument. Apparently I was driving a little fast...oops...and he gave me a ticket. Not only did I get a $279.50 speeding ticket, but I had to endure the park of know, where you sit there while everyone else darn near squeals to slow down and while they drive by they do everything but take your picture. It's almost as if they've never seen what a speeding criminal looks like and then you know that the second they get around the corner they call every friend they know to tell them all about it. Very awful feeling.

soooooo now i'm the Cruise Queen.

An email funny... I got this in an email and found it rather entertaining....hope you do too

Dan was a single guy living at home with his father and working in the family business. When he found out he was going to inherit a fortune when his sickly father died, he decided he needed a wife with which to share his fortune.

One evening at an investment meeting he spotted the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Her natural beauty took his breath away. 'I may look like just an ordinary man,' he said to her, 'but in just a few years, my father will die, and I'll inherit 200 million dollars. Impressed, the woman obtained his business card and three days later, she became his stepmother.
Women are so much better at estate planning than men!

Day One... I decided to keep a blog just cause it seems like fun. Hard to say if anyone will read it, but i'll post my thoughts just for the heck of it. I'm not a big journal fan so this will be the closest i'll ever get to keeping one. Oprah tends to tell people it's therapeutic to write down your thoughts....consider this an experiment on my part and i'll let you know how it goes.

I feel the need to tell you i'm a Tim's Addict. There...I said it...I have a problem. Yup, I have a hard time driving by the darn place without stopping in! I don't even know if I like coffee...just like the idea of drinking a warm beverage that is pretty low in it makes me look like a "femme". Oh and this "Roll up the Rim" - not good for a Tim's Addict! I'm going to spend the cost of the darn car trying to win the car...and I can't even help it.

I'm at work right now and listening to the radio...not the best variety of music i've ever heard.
Even though i'm not a fan of the station, I do love music in general. It seems like whatever mood you're in you can always seem to find some lyric that makes sense to your life or a lyric that comes to mind with whatever your talking about. RSaul, my colleague, and I break into song throughout the an example, one of the assistants in our Region Office's name is Brandy. HAHAH are you singing already??!! Yup..."she's a fine girl"!

So that's what i'm thinking right now. I'll end my post with an exerpt of the song on right now...."don't it always seem to go, when you don't know what you got till it's gone...".