Friday, May 2, 2008

"There's something wrong with the world today..." I read the paper today and found it very interesting that our Lt. Governor is in dire needs of a new house. Boy do I feel bad for her...after all, the last Lt. Governor had a mansion to live in and she only gets a condo with $6000/mth income...isn't that awful?! COMMON! I'll take $6000/mth and live in a condo! Apparently the mansion needs some major renos and it's costing about $6million to fix so until it's done the Government....aka US...are buying her a $1million dollar home. She'll have servants, chef's and housekeepers too. Right now it's a nuisance (poor woman) cause whenever she wants to entertain she needs to go different places...if she had her own mansion then she could do it in her home all the time. Isn't this completely ridiculous?

On the same page as this article there's one about how the gap between the rich and poor is getting ironic is that? The rich get richer...and nicer homes...while some people can't afford to heat their homes and feed their families. Also, on the same page of the newspaper, there's another article about how the government has ok'd a large pension for some former government official. What they are really saying in that article is that their buddy is retiring so they approved his large pension in hopes that when they retire the rest of the crew will do the same for them. When does this end? It's just crazy...this world is nuts!

Share the wealth government! I'm self employed and get absolutely no maternity benefits, but some lady who does nothing but go party-hopping with an ugly wide-brimmed hat gets servants and a huge house....where's the fairness? What is her job description anyways? Cook...nope got a chef, Clean...nope got a cleaner, plan events...nope got a planner, taxi officials...nope got a chauffeur, shopping...nope got an assistant, work with the other politicians...nope got other people we pay to do what does she do, really....what on earth does this woman do? Maybe I shouldn't complain and apply for her job once she retires! The only thing is that I don't look good in hats...they don't fit my head properly so I'd change the dress code. Oh and Pantyhose aren't my favorite either. They make me itchy and they're very difficult to get on....have you ever tried getting the wrapper back on a sausage?? Didn't think so, but it surely doesn't sound like fun, eh?

"Dear Mr. President...Come take a walk with me...Let's pretend we're just two people and You're not better than me...I'd like to ask you some questions if we can speak honestly" - Pink

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