Friday, May 16, 2008

The Affair... last night I went for a drive with my Chatty Friend and Master T. As we were driving around we were reminiscing about our teenage years and laughing lots. My Chatty Friend brought up the times I caught her straying from her boyfriends on different occasions. We giggled over that and then I said "Gee I was even there when Fertile Myrtle kissed your boyfriend (at the time)" My Chatty Friend turned around and with a shocked looked said "WHAT?!" BAHAHAHAAHAHAH I then wouldn't tell her what had happened cause apparently she didn't know that happened. Finally I spilled the beans and told her of the time she had left my hubby's party early and left her boyfriend there to catch his ride home. My hubby and I came around the corner and saw her boyfriend and Fertile Myrtle kissing in front of the garage doors! Fertile Myrtle had called me the next day and swore me to secrecy....and apparently I did! My Chatty Friend was laughing hysterically as she never knew that had happened. Her and her boyfriend split up not that long after that and he did eventually date Fertile Myrtle, but the kiss was never ever brought up. It's been about 12 years since that day and I kept it hush hush all these years....SEE PEOPLE...I can keep a secret!!

Not to toot my own horn......well ok.....TOOT TOOT!!

"Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies..." - Fleetwood Mac

"Maybe next time he'll think before he cheats..." -Carrie Underwood

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