Friday, August 1, 2008

Isn't that the rules?... I was driving home yesterday and my cell phone rang. Well, I was right in town so I scrambled to find my ear piece so I wouldn't be doing something illegal. As I get it to my ear I notice a cop car coming towards me...I breathed a sigh of relief as it was a close call....oh and for those who don't know, it's now illegal to drive with a cell phone to your ear - has to be hands free. Anyways, I was telling the person I was talking to how lucky I was to get the ear piece in on time and then I noticed the cop was TALKING ON HIS CELL PHONE!!! Now what's up with that??!! So what is set of rules for the public and another for the RCMP? That's totally unfair!! It's just as easy for him to have an ear piece as it is for me! Why doesn't he obey the law....the one he is supposed to enforce!! Now that really makes me's bad enough I had to spend $50 on the darn ear thingy then almost crash to put it in my don't throw it in my face by proving that the cops are above the law! I was so mad when I saw that that I immediately took my ear piece out and just talked on my was OK for him so why not me?

I've already told you about the time I was following a cop car at twice the speed limit and today I took my car in for an inspection and the worker there tells me about the time a cop came in to do his and it was 3 months overdue! Now, that's not fair at all!

Why is it that the RCMP get to do whatever they want? What is wrong for us should be wrong for them. I still can't believe he was on his cell phone...they, of all people, should have been the first with ear pieces! Heck, i'm sure our tax dollars paid for them...use the darn things! Get a freaking headset...or even better...just a speaker in your car so you don't even have to have anything on your head!

No friggin fair! I know, life isn't always fair, but cops are supposed to be an example...and right now they're an example of what not to do. Do what I say, not as I that what we take away from this? OOooo...use an ear piece...the government spent how much in advertising to get us to go hands free and the cops just don't care...ignorance is no excuse...we all know the law and we're all responsible to follow it...same goes for the cops.

"I fought the law and the law won..." - The Clash

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