Friday, August 29, 2008

Good times... you all know I hate shopping. I hate shopping for lots of reasons: A) you need to spend money and I'm cheap B) I get annoyed trying stuff on C) heavier people clothes have pleats and elastic waistbands and D) it's just not that fun.

Here's what I don't like today about shopping. No offence to the thin people of the world, but I get real annoyed when they say "I couldn't find anything that fit me!" I understand that you couldn't find something to fit as you're too small...BUT AT LEAST YOU HAD OPTIONS! Geesh, I have 2 pair of pants to try so if they don't fit it means no have the whole store and if they don't fit it means someone needs to take them in! Hum...Let's go to the mall and buy a shirt for tonight...ok...I like this one...oh wait, none in my size....what about this one?...oh wait, too tight...let's try another store with all the sales...oh wait, that's right, size 2 is on sale for $2-$5....size 16 plus is twice the price...let's go somewhere else...I'll try this on...then here comes the sale-lady "can I get you another size?"...well you could if there was such a thing as another size! you see how fun this is?! Now that's what I call a good time right fun fun...oh joy, oh bliss.

I bought "Wii Fit" the other day thinking this could help me lose weight. I was super pumped the day I got shopping day I get home all excited to start losing weight by playing video games. I have to create my person so that it can track my success, which is rather cool. It asks for my height and age then you stand on this board and it takes your weight to then figure out your Body Mass Index (BMI)....this was OK with me UNTIL the machine makes the same noise the lotto thing does when you lose and shows me that I'm obese. Well that's real motivating. I could get over that as really, it's personal and no one needs to see it...then it happens....the icing on the person goes from thin to plump right there on the screen! Can you believe it? Now I have to stare at a FAT video game character every time I play...fricken lovely. I get the point, but seriously...let me have a skinny character...that's all I need to have large hips and gut on TV...I have them in real life so really, I don't need to see it on a cartoon character of me.

Anyways, despite my fat...oh sorry...obese "Mii", I'm enjoying the game. I'm sure I look like a crazy person in the living room window doing the imaginary hoola-hoop....or ski jumping...or air boxing...the neighbors must think I'm losing it :)

"You look so dumb right now...standing outside my house..." - Rihanna

1 comment:

NanNan said...

Funny visual--- I finally bit the bullet and joined SFL-- today is Day 1, so I'm full of hope and empty of cash--jeesh , it's expensive to lose weight!!