Friday, August 15, 2008

Rowing... I'm a little sad today. My parents are leaving on a sailing adventure for the next 9 months. I really want them to go cause I think it'll be real cool, but in the same breathe I don't want them to leave for so long. I talk to my mother at least twice a day and I know the little one is going to miss them so much. They're leaving on the weekend and we're going away so I'll say my good-bye's tonight. Anyways, enough of that...I'm getting emotional.

Here's an excerpt from the front page of the Chronicle Herald - "The Canadian women's double sculls team and the men's coxless four crew each advanced out of Friday's semifinals and will get a chance to row for an Olympic medal this weekend."

I'm glad they're moving on, but after reading that I'm starting to wonder if I'd even want to be on a rowing team... Sounds kinda harsh...hehehe!

"Row, Row, Row your boat..." - Kid's song

1 comment:

NanNan said...

Wow-- what an adventure for your parents-okay, I won't talk about it!