Friday, April 11, 2008

Conspiracy Theory... I think there's something going on with the "Roll up the Rim" contest. I won a bunch in the beginning and haven't won anything in about 3 weeks....isn't that odd? I'm thinking they put out most of the winners at the beginning of the campaign so people get hooked, then slowly ween them out. Why would I have won donuts and coffee in the first couple weeks and nothing since? I buy at least 1 coffee per day....sometimes two....and nada., zip, nothing, zero. Hum...could it be that they know I'm competitive and like to win so I'll keep going back to see if I can get a winning cup? Are people winning and it's just me that is unlucky? Should I be getting a life instead of worrying about winning a free coffee?

Something to think about....

"I had some dreams, they were clouds in my coffee....clouds in my coffee and..." - Carly Simon

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