...so my friend Charlene posted about a free Olympic Toque with the purchase of 2 Old El
Paso Products. That's great news and I think I might be able to get me one of them. Here's the thing...Toque...isn't that a weird word? I pronounce that TOO-QUE...so really, how would you know to spell it by just sounding it out? To me, Toque seems like it should be pronounced Toke.
I'm discussing words, Read is another one. "I read a book"...."I love to read" Same word, same spelling, different
pronunciation. How on earth can you have a word that's pronounced differently with the same spelling?....
grammatically, it makes no sense. Listen to me, Gramatically...hehehe...as if I really know anything about grammar! I've watched "Are you Smarter than a 5
th Grader" so many times and lost at any question to do with Grammar! Like: How many adverbs are there in the following sentence, blah blah blah.....not a clue what is an adverb other than it is a word that
describes a verb...now what the hell is a verb? I don't know! I don't need to know! I just need to be able to spell all words and who the hell cares what they're called!
Why are there silent letters? If they're silent then shouldn't they be invisible too? Why bother adding a letter that has no use? I can do that too....Lise....but really it's spelled
Ljiwhse...the J, W and H are silent...take that! Who decides that?
I decided to research the "Word of the Year" for 2009. According to the web, the Oxford word of the year is "
Unfriend" – verb – To remove someone as a ‘friend’ on a social networking site such as
whatdoyaknow, it's a verb...well there you go!
Here's some other words that were up for consideration listed under their respective categories. (from the site
Technologyhashtag – a # [hash] sign added to a word or phrase that enables
Twitter users to search for tweets (postings on the Twitter site) that contain similarly tagged items and view thematic sets
intexticated – distracted because
texting on a cellphone while driving a vehicle
netbook – a small, very portable laptop computer with limited memory
paywall – a way of blocking access to a part of a website which is only available to paying subscribers
sexting – the sending of sexually explicit texts and pictures by cellphone
Economyfreemium – a business model in which some basic services are provided for free, with the aim of enticing users to pay for additional, premium features or content
funemployed – taking advantage of one’s newly unemployed status to have fun or pursue other interests
zombie bank – a financial institution whose liabilities are greater than its assets, but which continues to operate because of government support
Politics and Current Affairs
Ardi – (
Ardipithecus ramidus) oldest known hominid, discovered in Ethiopia during the 1990s and announced to the public in 2009
birther – a conspiracy theorist who challenges President Obama’s birth certificate
choice mom – a person who chooses to be a single mother
death panel – a theoretical body that determines which patients deserve to live, when care is rationed
teabagger -a person, who protests President Obama’s tax policies and stimulus package, often through local demonstrations known as “Tea Party” protests (in allusion to the Boston Tea Party of 1773)
Environmentbrown state – a US state that does not have strict environmental regulations
green state – a US state that has strict environmental regulations
ecotown - a town built and run on
eco-friendly principles
Novelty Words
deleb – a dead celebrity
tramp stamp – a tattoo on the lower back, usually on a woman
"More than words..." - Extreme