Thursday, November 27, 2008

Mat pants... I was in meetings yesterday up the Valley way. I wore my new Maternity Pants that are one size too big. I bought them this way so that as I grow more and more I won't have to buy new pants...that's the Financial Planner in me...can't help it. Anyways, I wore my new dressy pant and the top is made of about the same material as Panty hose. They're real stretchy, but really well. Anyways, about mid way through the morning I felt all that water I drank was getting to me so I got up and went to the bathroom. I grabbed the side of my huge pants and yanked down and went to sit, only to sit right on the Panty Hose part of my pants. I got up again and searched for the top, only to find it wedged under my bra....STILL! I yank and pull, all the while doing the "hold it in" dance, until I finally get them down. These pants have the most elastic top part and I can almost pull them up over my face! It's crazy. I've never had such difficulty with pants that don't have buttons or zippers in my life. The stretchy part covers my whole back too so basically I have built in long johns till I start really showing. Pretty cool, eh!

The other night I hosted Trivia. We had fun and some of the questions were hard...others not so much. I could see the frustration on their faces when they knew they should know the answers, but were just having a moment of temporary amnesia. For example, a question I asked was: Name the colors of the rainbow in order starting with Red. was funny to see them try to remember the little trick of Roy G Biv...I'll let you figure out what that all stands for. I knew they knew the answer...just sometimes it's hard when you're put on the spot.

That reminds me of a video I saw on You Tube of the Miss Teen USA Pageant last year. This girl clearly had a moment of...well, you'll see....hehehehe

"Don't let me be the last to know..." - Britney Spears

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