Monday, December 1, 2008

It's in the water... now I have two new pregnant friends! Very exciting stuff! My Chatty Friend and Colcol are both preggo and due about the same time, early August I believe. I went to see the doc this morning and he gave me a new due date of June 27, 2009. He checked me out and told me everything seemed normal so that was a relief. This pregnancy started on the wrong foot so I've been worried I feel much better.

You know what else is in the water? Lobsters....yup....they're crawling around waiting to be caught, but no one is gonna catch them today. The Lobster Fisherman have decided to go on Strike as they are demanding a better price than the $3/lbs ish they've been offered. I'm glad they got together as a group to something, now let's hope they all stick to the plan. I realize some people say "booo hooo they can't buy a new truck, wheeler, mansion, winter vacay down South, etc..." but in reality not everyone lives that way. I've been down South once and it was for our Honeymoon. I own a 30 year old house and really am just living like everyone else. I know that in 6 months these men make what most make after 12 months of working, but because they make what they make, the local businesses make money. Those local business people are not fisherman, they are the restaurants, the stationary stores, the Quicky Marts, the Craft Stores, etc... Without the Fisherman, these stores would have a hard time, not to mention the big Car Dealerships, the Large Chain Grocery Stores, etc... I just want everyone to make a fair buck. The thing with this situation is that the large Lobster Buyers are selling lobsters in stores at $9.00/lbs and $12.00/ why are the fisherman only getting $3.00/lbs? That makes no sense. They're still making money at a larger margin than they used to, in my opinion....what happened to everyone making a good living? The whole world economy has gone to crap for one reason and one reason only...GREED.

Here's an few examples of Greed in the US. The CEO of a company that was going under, who only had been in that position for 3 weeks, received a salary of $11 Million. They were asking the government for bailout money...people were losing their jobs and their shirts but yet they found a way to pay the CEO who drove the company in the ground $11 Million...craziness. Adding fuel to the fire, the CEO and his management team went on a "retreat" while the government bailed them out....take a guess where...nope not their homes or vacation cottages....down South! They racked up a bill of over $500,000 in resort fees, spa treatments, meals/alcohol and golf....what a hard life. Here's another one....The CEO's of a large automaking firm flew to Washington DC in their private jets in order to ask for some funding. Yes...private jets. So again, people were losing everything, but these guys couldn't have the decency to fly in an economy seat like the rest of the world...nope, private jets and champagne made more sense to them in this situation. I think they're missing a few screws up there. What is even more funny about this story is that the day after this all came to light in the media, this automaking firm made an guessed it, they were in such a poor state that they were grounding 2 out of 5 private jets! Oh thank you Mr. you only have 3 choices for your planes rides instead of hoo. See one problem with grounding all of their planes is the CEO. Apparently he lives in another state and commutes via private jet from work to home every weekend. It, apparently, isn't convenient for him and his family to move to where he works so flying in a luxury plane is the only option to make this work. These are just a couple stories...there are millions more.

See, so Greed has been the theme of 2008 and I strongly feel that this fisheries problem is the same.

"A penny for your thoughts....a quarter for your call..." - this is a country song and I can't find the artist. They should actually remake the song in the 2008 version..."A hundred for your thoughts...a million and a half for your call..."

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