Monday, June 9, 2008

Singers... I was all alone all weekend with my little one. Hubby was out golfing for the entire weekend with a bunch of men. I was hoping for sunshine, but no such luck. I had to opt to stay in all weekend which lead me to temporary insanity. I just about went shack whacky in the house all weekend. I did, however, get much better at Guitar Hero! I even finished a song on me, that's quite the task. I play on Medium cause you change notes on the beat so it makes it a lot easier. You have less notes to worry about on Easy, but they change sporadically and my fingers don't want to wait...I have to press something to each beat. Wow...I never pegged myself to be a gamer but by the sounds of it I'm starting to get into it. I think part of it is that I'm better at it than Hubby. He's normally much better than me on any game or sport so since I'm a little better it makes me want to play more. My Farty Cousin is even better than both of...pretty amazing for someone who has never played a musical instrument or barely even a sport in her life.

Seeing that I was bored the entire weekend, I watched a fair bit of TV. It seemed like every other commercial was one enticing you to buy ringtones for your cellphone. My question is this: What's up with having animals sing songs? They're advertising a cow singing "I like to Mooo-ve it" Not sure why we need to see a cow singing that. Same thing goes for Crazy Frog who sings "We like to party" or there's even those little creatures that sing "i'm blue dabedy dabedie"

I, personally like to listen to humans sing, and there are obviously humans doing the voices for these animals so why not show their faces? It's kinda like Mili Vanilli...the real singers weren't as hot so they used Mili and Vanilli as front men while they sang backstage. Get rid of the animals and the people! I mean, Mick Jagger is one of the most un-hot men I've ever seen and he's rich and famous. There's a whole list of un-hot people that make a living singing and we still buy their cd's. Does it get any more unattractive than the lead singer of Nickelback? Seriously. People still line up in hotel lobby's to meet him. Look at 50 cent...he has more holes in his face from drive-by's and yet, women run to him like there were no tomorrow.

So...all that to say, enough with the singing animals. The cow on TV is really annoying and I'm sick and tired of seeing those utters flinging all over the screen...really distracting...and tres my opinion anyways.

"U-G-L-Y, you ain't got no alibi, you ugly" - not sure on the artist

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