Monday, July 21, 2008

Go Karting.... I went to Pdot today and there's some of that lovely road construction going on. The road is blocked for probably 2 miles so it takes forever to get through. I was on a side road so I just merged when the traffic went by. Whoever the guy was in front of me clearly had no idea what side of the road we had to be driving. I couldn't see so I just followed him while we weaved back and forth through all the pylons. I wondered what on earth was going on at the first swerve to the other side of the road...but thought well I didn't ever go through here and the guy in front of me lives at the point so he would obviously know what to do....but after the tenth go around the pylons I realized I was a moron for following this YOUNG GUY!!! and he was just having fun. I started to laugh and felt foolish for Go-Karting in Pdot. The guy holding the Slow/Stop sign didn't think it was funny cause he gave me a mean dirty look when I drove by at the end of the construction....Oh well!

"Back, Back, forth and forth..." - Aaliyah

1 comment:

NanNan said...

Those sign guys have no sense of humour-- they always look mad at the world!! and here I was eagerly waiting to find out where the go karts are in this area!!!Think I'll pass on that pylon route!!