Tuesday, May 4, 2010


...so this morning I get a call from JTwins. She barely got "Hi" out of her mouth when all of a sudden all I can hear is a dog crying and barking. She's laughing at the same time as she's trying to calm the dog...and now i'm laughing cause I can barely hear her over all the noise. She keeps yelling "Hold On" and I can hear her scrambling around and apologizing to her dog. Finally she gets him to calm down and I ask what on earth was going on. Well aparently she was bringing the dog to the groomers and had him in the backseat. As she started to drive away the dog jumped in the front on her and was crying and barking. The dog has a collar that if he goes past a certain point the collar gives him a shock.....well JTwin forgot to take off the collar so here she was driving down the driveway and dog is going nuts. It was definitely hilarious....and I could picture JTwin turning around in the bushes and driving frantically around her lawn till her dog got off of her lap so she could stop. Poor dog...

"We're gonna rock down to Electric Avenue..." - Eddie Grant

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