Wednesday, May 26, 2010

no wonder!.... i've been noticing the abundance of police officers around lately. I met them in Arcadia nearly everyday, I saw them hidden in areas to catch speeders over a dozen times and I heard about a few road blocks. I have been watching my speed due to the whole speeding ticket thing a few months ago but I was getting a little concerned with all the police presence. Today, I got some answers. Apparently it was Road Safety Week last week and in today's Vanguard and Chronicle Herald there is some summaries of the police work that was done.

Here's the article from the Vanguard online:
82 charges and 50 warnings issued during Canada Road Safety Week

From May 18 to May 24, members of Western Traffic Services issued 82 charges and 50 warnings throughout the Tri-County area as part of Canada Road Safety Week.

The charges include 21 seat belt tickets and 25 summary offence tickets for aggressive driving. One young driver was traveling at 160 km/h and as a result will be losing his licence. A male will be appearing in court in Yarmouth as a result of an impaired driving charge. Five motorists were charged with driving while disqualified after their driving privileges were revoked from earlier drinking and driving convictions.

Two drivers were charged for driving with no insurance, three for using a hand-held cell phone while driving and four adults were charged under the Smoke Free Places Act when they were observed smoking tobacco in a vehicle with individuals under the age of nineteen years present. Twenty other charges were laid for various offences.

The majority of warnings issued were for violations under the new "Move over Legislation" after motorists failed to slow down to 60 km/h when passing a parked emergency vehicle on the 100 series Highway with it's lights flashing.

Western Traffic Services reminds the motoring public that safe driving is everyone's responsibility. As the summer season approaches motorists must ensure that every passenger in the vehicle is buckled up. Safe driving also includes driving while sober and not being distracted.

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