Friday, February 5, 2010

Just plain ridiculous... news has broke of the politicians spending habits. It's absolutely ridiculous! Here's the article:

To Mr. Hurburt: When the power goes out, please plug in the coffee kettle cause i'll be over to make use of the generator installed at your house that MY TAX MONEY has helped pay for!

To Mr. MacDonald: I'm telling you right now, PAY BACK THE MONEY FOR THE FLAT SCREEN TV. Don't wait till the Auditor General asks you to do so....I can't see what reason on earth would justify you getting a TV from me and all the other taxpayers. The rest of us buy our own newspapers or go online to get our need to wath it on a large, flat screen tv...and furthermore, you're not even in office anymore so why the hell do you even still have it???

And here's a quote from the article:
"The priciest item on the latter list was $13,445 for custom-made office furniture. Natural Re­sources Minister John MacDo­nell said Wednesday it was his, and he offered this message to his Hants East constituents T hurs­day: “My constituents, to me, are probably the most important peo­ple I deal with, so for them, I would definitely like to apologize if this excessive spending seems to be a real issue, and it wasn’t my intent," he said. "

IT WAS TOTALLY YOUR INTENT...what the hell do you need "Custom-Made Office Furniture" for????? The rest of us use bargain priced furniture or hand me downs....grow up!

It's funny cause we're supposed to address these people as the "Honorable" whoever....what's so friggen honorable about all this deceit??!!! No more Honorable anyone anymore. You're Mr. Whoever....that's it....

Quit thinking you guys are above all of us....we're all peers....grow up cause I know my 3 yr old knows better than this...that's real sad.

"Something's wrong in the world today..." - Red Hot Chili Peppers

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