Tuesday, February 2, 2010


...so the other night I was singing to Blake before he went to bed. He loves it when someone sings to him to fall asleep. That night I was singing:

"I love you Blakie
Oh yes I do
I don't love anyone
As much as you
When you're not with me
I'm blue
ohhhhh Blakie I love you!"

When I got to the end of the song he started to sob! I couldn't console him and when I asked what was wrong he kept saying "Nuttin' Momma...sing again" so I started up the same song. He would stop crying when I started but by the end he was crying again. This time he was really crying and I had to hold him and hug him and I was grilling him as to what was wrong. By the fourth time I noticed he started crying at the line "when you're not with me, I'm Blue" so I asked him if that's what was making him upset. He said "yes momma (amidst the tears)...I don't want you to turn BLUE!!" .............BAHAHAHAHAHA...so of course I had to explain that I didn't turn the color blue, it was that I am simply sad when he's not with me!

Ohhhh Kids....they're quite literal, eh?

"I'm Blue dabedi dabedie..." - Eiffel 65

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