Monday, September 15, 2008

NO NEED!!!... I'm quite irked right now. Remember I told ya'll I bought a Satellite was in March. So I bough a year of service ($206.00)right then and everything has been hunky dory. Well in July, my radio stopped working so I brought it back to the dealer and they gave me a new one right on the spot...I was pleased cause I'd only had it for 4 months so I was relieved it was still under warranty. Now we get to today where I check out my credit card statement and notice a charge from them for $135.00...that's odd cause I haven't spoken to them since I bought the radio in March. So I call to find out what's going on.

Here's the deal...according to the lady I spoke to... when I got a new radio in July I had to activate it so they charged me an activation fee of $75 ish and the rest is the cost of using the radio from March to July and now my radio service is good from July 2008 to July 2009 instead of March 2008 to March 2009 like planned. That's stupid...not my fault the radio broke...I'm NOT PAYING $75 to activate a radio that only worked for 4 months!!! They agreed and are refunding that fee...I WOULD FREAKIN' HOPE SO!! I said to her: "This is real convenient for XM RADIO as they could make sure their radios break down a few months after activation so that you have to go get a new one and pay for the activation all over again to use the service you've already paid for!" That makes no sense!!!

Now let's get to the second part. Apparently, XM RADIO has decided that with the new radio I still get a year's worth of service so since I paid from March 2008 to March 2009 and this new radio was activated in July 2008...I need to pay to have it go till July 2009. I don't have a choice...nope...they've decided that I NEED to do this. I was livid. I told her that I did not authorize the charge on my credit card and I only want the service till March 2008....she told me that it's policy and basically it was too bad. I said to her: "again, this is real convenient as XM RADIO now can have people extend their subscriptions by having the radios break down and forcing them to renew for the new time period"...that's unfair, unethical and really should be illegal. I didn't tell them to charge me...heck, I didn't even know they were going to charge me!!!!

I'M SO ANGRY RIGHT NOW...and that lady knew it...I realize it's not her fault, but I wanted her to know that I was NOT impressed. I'm not done with's not fair...I should decide what I want to pay for...not them...this is totally ridiculous.

I don't have a song for this one...I'm too mad.

1 comment:

NanNan said...

I love reading your rants--- I'm having problems with an insurance company that just ASSUMES we chose to renew our car policy and keeps sending us bills in arrears when we're already covered with another company!! Red tape, bureaucracy, and answering machines!!