Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Mr. Dexter strikes again... our Premier, Darrell Dexter, has yet to re-pay his Barrister fees. He's a lawyer and he used taxpayer money to keep his lawyer license. What on earth would make him think that any of us care he's a lawyer and any of us would want to pay for him to remain one? It's ridiculous! He owes about $10,642.67 cause he started using taxpayer money to pay them in 2006. Here's the article:

He says that he'll consider paying them back in the future....NO...PAY THEM BACK NOW! The rest of us take loans and lines of credit to pay things when necessary so go to your friendly neighbourhood bank if you don't have the funds and get yourself hooked up with some money! Remember Darrell...this means YOU will have to make those loan payments...not us. Man oh man...some people have some nerve.

Greed...get's ya everytime.

"Mr. greed, why you got to own everything that you see?" - Jon Fogerty

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