...so this is a pic of my Mom and Dad sailing by the Statue of Liberty in NY. For those of you who don't know, my parents retired in June and left in August on a sailing adventure - Destination: The Bahamas. They'll be back in May or so. This pic was taken by the Doc and his wife who are sailing with them. I think this is pretty neat as many people don't get to see the Statue of Liberty, let alone sail right on by it. I miss them a lot and today, for some reason, I miss them even more. Oh well...only 7 more months to go... :(
Let's move on to the bestest muffin I've ever tasted. This time it's not from my favorite bakery, although I've told him to chop chop and make one...no this one is from Timmies. It's the Pumpkin Muffin they have on special this month....YUMMY! It tastes like the best carrot cake you've ever had, without crunchy carrot pieces! There are even these crunchy, toasted, pumpkin seeds on the top to garnish it. I tell you...the absolute best muffin I've ever had...and I've had a fair amount of muffins in my lifetime!
Speaking on Timmies, I went to the one in Sheldot on my way to Hdot on Tuesday. I suffered from my house all the way there as it's like an hour away, but I managed to deal with it by singing along to Journey "Just a small town girl...livin' in a lonely world...she took the midnight train going anywhere...." all the way there. Anyways, got there and the Timmies is right off the highway. The traffic is a mess there. You turn off the highway and the first right is Timmies so people stay in line on the main road. This worked for me this time as I was going there, but the guy behind me clearly was not and wasn't pleased with the 5 cars in his way. I could tell that he was unhappy by the way he continuously honked his horn...it was a dead giveaway. I couldn't help him out as I had pulled over more to the side of the road, but I was stuck and couldn't move any further. He lost patience and pulled out to pass us all, nearly hitting the oncoming traffic...again, I don't think he cared by the way his finger was waving in the air as he drove by...another big hint. Once I got in the parking lot I was going to park and go in, but I noticed that the people were lined up to the door and some in the little entryway so I opted to stay in my warm car with my Journey songs...now it was "and now I come, to you, with open armsssss..." A good song so I didn't want to get out. To my surprise the traffic moved real fast cause by the time the song was nearing the end, I was at the window getting my coffee! Keep in mind, the song started when I was still on the road...pretty good, eh?! I was so impressed that I told the lady at the window that it was the fastest Timmies I'd ever been through...making it seem like I was a Timmies connoisseur...which I am kinda, after all, I wrote the blog on Timmies Etiquette in an earlier post! I got my coffee and got back on the road to suddenly be disappointed...the Sheldot Timmies went from the fastest to the worst coffee house ever in that first sip. My long awaited coffee tasted like the bottom of an ashtray. How on earth could this be? They were selling coffee like it was going out of style...how could this pot of been old? I was so mad that I almost turned around, but then I came to my senses as yet my CD must of went around again and we continue with "Just a city boy...born and raised in South Detroit...He took the Midnight Train going anywhere..." For some reason, these songs were great driving and singing tunes...I drank the coffee anyways and went on my merry way. So, all this to say that I was going to tell you all to stop at that Timmies cause it was super efficient, but now I can assure you they have an inferior coffee brewing process so I'd rather wait somewhere else to get a good cup. Oh and another lesson...listen to Journey the next time you drive somewhere...they have great tunes!
"Lying beside you...here in the dark...feeling your heart beat with mine." - Journey
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