...so I went to Timmies this morning. This time I went to the one up town as the drive-thru didn't seem to busy and it's a little bit closer from my office. Anyways, I pull in and start driving up the parking lot/drive-thru lane and get to the corner by the garbage bins and the car ahead of me stops. It's like he wasn't paying attention so I cut him some slack, thinking he'd notice the cars in front of him moving further and further away and getting closer to the order box...but no, this guy just sits there. Next thing you know there's one car length between him and the other cars...then another car length...then a third car length! At this point I was getting a little annoyed and I assume the people behind me too as there were 4 cars there just shrugging their shoulders. I honked my horn thinking he'd get the hint to drive up closer, but no, no response from the older man...so I honk again...still nothing. I started to worry that he had a heart attack or something at the wheel so I was just about to get out and see if he was ok when the very last car of the line up behind me speeds up and cut in front of this man and all of us! I was WILD! How dare she...clearly this man had an issue...and we all want coffee too so what makes her so important? You can just imagine how much my arms were up in the air and pointing at that lady....I just couldn't believe it...I had to get to work too, not just her...and I'm sure the people behind us had places to be. Anyways, once the older man saw that car cut in front of him he FINALLY moved forward. Now the whole time I'm in line I'm pissed because that lady was now getting her coffee before all of us and that's just rude and unfair! Good thing it wasn't "Roll up the Rim" time cause that could of made the difference between me winning a donut or nothing. Geesh! I do admit, I was getting a little impatient with the older man in front of me, but I would have never cut in front of him...I was more concerned about his health. SO here we go again, Drive-thru rage...I'd done so well too...ARG....I guess I should just avoid that place all together...too much stress this early in the morning.
"Shut up and drive..." - Rhianna
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