Thursday, October 6, 2011

Apple... Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple has died at the age of 56. He'd been fighting Cancer for a number of years and just couldn't win the battle. Steve Jobs has a pretty amazing story...a school drop out, started Apple in the garage of his parents house, failed and started over again a million times and was always second to Bill Gates until he developed the ipod, ipad and itunes. Since then he's been the leader in the industry. It's extremely sad and it makes you think about your life and those around you. We all want to have more money and have a more meaningful life. We think that if we had that, life would be perfect. He had all that plus lived a very healthy lifestyle and here we are today talking about his death at such a young age. It's just a reminder that we have to live for today, be happy with our lives and not strive for what others YOUR life and live it to the best YOU can.

"I've seen fire and I've seen rain..." - James Taylor

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