...so there's another Priest being charged with sexual assault and other things stemming from quite a number of years ago. There are 40 charges as of now and he has been arrested. This time he's alive and will need to face these charges head on as opposed to many of the other cases where the accused had already passed away. Here's the article in the Yarmouth Vanguard today : http://www.thevanguard.ca/News/2011-01-24/article-2166200/40-sexual-assault-charges-laid/1
It's sad....I can't stress enough how sad this is. I know many people wonder why it takes someone so long to admit someone sexually abused them. We need to remember that this is a hard thing to admit and it seems like it's even harder to admit when the victim is male. There is a level of shame that goes along this this and I think that society has come a long way and that's why finally these people can come forward and not feel all that shame and guilt. I'm glad that we've reached this place. Unfortunately it seems like the Catholic Church is getting hit pretty hard these days with lots of allegations. It happens everywhere but I guess these stories are heavy in the news because it appears like many within the church structure knew what was going on and turned a blind eye to the matter. That was also part of the culture at the time, but should still be investigated as well. It's not right. Our kids need to feel safe. We need to protect them. Each and every one of us has an obligation to report anything we find suspicious...this can also be done anonymously and if the matter needs to go to court, only then will you be asked to reveal your identity. (**This is what i've been told in the past) I feel that if the matter was taken all the way to court then it would be important to come forward as clearly there are major red flags and likely your observations weren't totally incorrect - or at least gave you a valid reason for your concern.
I feel bad for the victims here and there is a publication ban on their identities. I'm glad they came forward, as hard as it is...and they do not need to be put through hell in the press so it's fine that they're identities are kept private. That's not important here...getting justice is important. WHen you read the article you'll see that this former priest moved from job to job ALL having major contact with children. It's sad...it's sad for everyone....and it's sad for others that haven't come forward yet and are reading these articles...
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Oh Happy Day...
...so I think people were happy this morning to see the sun shining! As I drove into work I noticed that the drivers going by were mostly all singing as they were driving! hehehe...it was pretty funny cause I turned on the radio and noticed that most were singing along to the song on the radio. Do you sing when you drive? I sure do...I don't just sing, I belt it out baby! This morning the people driving by me probably thought I was yelling at someone in the backseat cause I was just belting out the harmony to "Bed of Roses" by Bon Jovi. I always stop singing when i'm stopped in traffic or in a drive-thru and really i'm not sure why. I don't look any more ridiculous then I did while I was moving forward. I guess I fear seeing someone I know but that's kinda ridiculous too cause anyone who knows me can assume I sing all the time. I think we should all sing today in the car...why not? It's gonna be nasty tomorrow so let's smile with the sunshine and have a little fun :)
"I wanna lay you down in a bed of roses..." - Bon Jovi
"I wanna lay you down in a bed of roses..." - Bon Jovi
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
...so I was at the Women's Expo on Saturday and ended up discussing all Natural and Organic Products with an Esthetician. She sells Seaflora (www.sea-flora.com) products which is a "Wild Organic Seaweed Skincare" line. She gave me a sample of their moisturizer which has the following product description:
" Our lush blend of seaweed, floral extracts and organic oils gently strengthen collagen leaving skin soft, healthy and buoyant. Can be used morning and night."
Alright...so let's talk about this Organic stuff. I understand that years ago there weren't as much "junk" in anything we consumed or touched. Now things have evolved and we're supposed to be getting smarter and smarter, yet it seems like with all this technology and research we are being told to go back to the olden days. Know what I mean? This moisturizer is made with Seaweed....did people actually put Seaweed on their faces back in the day? How does one know that Seaweed is healthier than other things? Many natural things are dangerous to our bodies...some drugs being one. Can you overdose on Seaweed? Can you have a Seaweed Allergy? I don't know any of these answers but why does it seem like we're crazy if we don't use this Organic Stuff. It's five times the prices yet has five times less ingredients....that, to me, doesn't make sense. If Organic or all Natural Products are better for us then why can't there be some savings?
I have tried the moisturizer and it does make my face feel good. I don't like the smell of the product as it smells like i'm slathering old sea water all over my face. I'm the type of person who only feels like a woman when I smell nice....so this product doesn't give me the "i'm sexy today" feeling. If it's so awesome then why couldn't I go grab a piece of seaweed, slap it in a food processor, add water and put in a container? If it's THAT all natural then I would assume that I could find all of it's ingredients right in my own community? Where do they find their Seaweed? The ones down by the shore around here are often attached to a piece of garbage or submerged in poluted waters. Is that better than a cream that was cleaned and used some kind of other metals and minerals? Humm?? Makes me wonder. Apparently the product is edible but i'm not sure who on earth would want to put that icky smell in their mouth...either way if you decided you were hungry in the morning you could have a lick.
" Our lush blend of seaweed, floral extracts and organic oils gently strengthen collagen leaving skin soft, healthy and buoyant. Can be used morning and night."
Alright...so let's talk about this Organic stuff. I understand that years ago there weren't as much "junk" in anything we consumed or touched. Now things have evolved and we're supposed to be getting smarter and smarter, yet it seems like with all this technology and research we are being told to go back to the olden days. Know what I mean? This moisturizer is made with Seaweed....did people actually put Seaweed on their faces back in the day? How does one know that Seaweed is healthier than other things? Many natural things are dangerous to our bodies...some drugs being one. Can you overdose on Seaweed? Can you have a Seaweed Allergy? I don't know any of these answers but why does it seem like we're crazy if we don't use this Organic Stuff. It's five times the prices yet has five times less ingredients....that, to me, doesn't make sense. If Organic or all Natural Products are better for us then why can't there be some savings?
I have tried the moisturizer and it does make my face feel good. I don't like the smell of the product as it smells like i'm slathering old sea water all over my face. I'm the type of person who only feels like a woman when I smell nice....so this product doesn't give me the "i'm sexy today" feeling. If it's so awesome then why couldn't I go grab a piece of seaweed, slap it in a food processor, add water and put in a container? If it's THAT all natural then I would assume that I could find all of it's ingredients right in my own community? Where do they find their Seaweed? The ones down by the shore around here are often attached to a piece of garbage or submerged in poluted waters. Is that better than a cream that was cleaned and used some kind of other metals and minerals? Humm?? Makes me wonder. Apparently the product is edible but i'm not sure who on earth would want to put that icky smell in their mouth...either way if you decided you were hungry in the morning you could have a lick.
Oh boy this cracked me up...
...so a friend of mine posted this video on her facebook and i'm so glad I watched it! It's a video produced by the BBC and they did animal voiceovers. Enjoy!
"...Billie Jean is not my lover..."- Michael Jackson
"...Billie Jean is not my lover..."- Michael Jackson
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
...so today was weigh in day. Oh...forgot to mention I started Weight Watchers last week so today was week one weight in. I knew I had lost so that was exciting but I wasn't sure how much. I decided to get on my scale before hitting the shower this morning and was pleased with the new number! After my shower I got all spiffied up for work and thought "gee, i'd better weigh myself again to see what damage my clothes made." GOOD THING I FRIGGEN DID...I weighed 4 LBS more with my work clothes!!!! Oh dear lord, I thought I was going to have a panic attack. My husband laughed at me cause now I was in a frantic mess trying to find a lighter outfit to wear....heaven forbid I go there and not lose weight due to my heavy dress pants!! No way I was going to let that happen. After much searching I found a shirt and yoga pants that were only 2 lbs heavier...not the 4 lbs like my early outfit.
I get ready to get weighed....make sure I peed, took off my shoes, coat and anything that would weigh any amount and get on the scale. I lost 3.6 lbs...success! I was pleased...hoped for more but I guess weighing in nude is frowned upon in front of the glass windows at the Superstore...so i'll take it!
Next week I will surely be wearing the same outfit and never again will I attempt to wear my dress pants...NEVER! I need all the help I can get :)
Relief...i'm so relieved and thrilled that I might just indulge tonight...just a little....Kraft Diner here I come :P Ya I know that defeats the purpose but I've been craving so now I have a week to be good before I hit the scales again...judge me if you want...I don't care....and I can assure you my Kraft Dinner is gonna be darn good! Hehehehe
"I'm fat, i'm fat...I know it..." - Weird Al
I get ready to get weighed....make sure I peed, took off my shoes, coat and anything that would weigh any amount and get on the scale. I lost 3.6 lbs...success! I was pleased...hoped for more but I guess weighing in nude is frowned upon in front of the glass windows at the Superstore...so i'll take it!
Next week I will surely be wearing the same outfit and never again will I attempt to wear my dress pants...NEVER! I need all the help I can get :)
Relief...i'm so relieved and thrilled that I might just indulge tonight...just a little....Kraft Diner here I come :P Ya I know that defeats the purpose but I've been craving so now I have a week to be good before I hit the scales again...judge me if you want...I don't care....and I can assure you my Kraft Dinner is gonna be darn good! Hehehehe
"I'm fat, i'm fat...I know it..." - Weird Al
Monday, January 10, 2011
Hometown Proud...
...so Dept of Enviro released a real nice video of Pubnico and the Wind Farm. Check it out...lots of familiar faces! http://www.gov.ns.ca/energy/media/videos/display.asp?vID=18
The Gobstopper...

...so yesterday hubby and I bought some "Wonka Everlasting Gobstoppers". I think it's a bit of false advertising on Willie Wonka's part. They last about as long as it takes to reach my teeth then CRACK, SMOOSH, CHEW...gone! Seems to me an everlasting gobstopper should be un-crunchable until you lick away a few layers and it gets thinner. These ones are so soft that I barely have to put pressure and they crack apart so I feel like the title does not describe the product whatsoever. Well....unless I have a Hercules Jaw and Alligator Teeth...is it just me? Buy a package and see for yourself. oh and I normally don't like any candy that are green or yellow as I feel Lime and Lemon should not even be included as flavors for anything as it's totally gross...but so ya know, the green gobstoppers are green apple and not lime so the only icky ones are the yellow ones in the whole package. :)
Tell me lies...tell me sweet little lies..." - Fleetwood Mac
...so there's a sale for all those looking to go to Cuba. Check it out as it starts today at 11:00 AM!!! http://www.aircanadavacations.com/en/ideas/activities/suggestions/recommendations/promotions/4-hour-Rush-Sale-/18366;jsessionid=9C82C422B428713AE75B4F19B29E65A5.cls02
"Put the lime in the coconut..." -Harry Nilsson
"Put the lime in the coconut..." -Harry Nilsson
Thursday, January 6, 2011
...so I never just call a hotel and make a reservation anymore. There are faaaaaar cheaper ways to go about it nowadays.
One of them is www.priceline.com. You can bid for your hotel room and if your bid is accepted, they'll let you know the name of the hotel. If you stick to 3.5 or 4 star you'll be fine. I've booked through them for Halifax and got the Westin, Delta Halifax and Marriot....all for under $100. You place your bid then they add taxes and fees and let you know what it works out to. As an example, you bid $55...it works out to about $70 AMERICAN. The adjustment to Canadian funds will happen on your credit card so when the dollar is near par the difference is very little. There are limitations to how many times you can try within a 24 hour time frame....let me know if you need help and I can help guide you. It works, so don't be afraid to try.
Another site is www.hotwire.com. There you pick what price you want to pay and once booked they'll let you know the hotel name. I've never tried this one but I know people who have and say it works great.
The last option I try is http://pacrimfriendsandfamily.com/. There aren't always rooms available but I am going to Halifax this weekend and used this site. I booked the Radisson for $99 plus tax so it works out to about $116....not too shabby considering the regular rate is over $140/night! You can actually cancel this one if you decided not to go where the other sites don't allow you to cancel...once you book you pay immediately and get no refunds.
"I'm at the hotel, motel, holday innnnn..." - Chingy
One of them is www.priceline.com. You can bid for your hotel room and if your bid is accepted, they'll let you know the name of the hotel. If you stick to 3.5 or 4 star you'll be fine. I've booked through them for Halifax and got the Westin, Delta Halifax and Marriot....all for under $100. You place your bid then they add taxes and fees and let you know what it works out to. As an example, you bid $55...it works out to about $70 AMERICAN. The adjustment to Canadian funds will happen on your credit card so when the dollar is near par the difference is very little. There are limitations to how many times you can try within a 24 hour time frame....let me know if you need help and I can help guide you. It works, so don't be afraid to try.
Another site is www.hotwire.com. There you pick what price you want to pay and once booked they'll let you know the hotel name. I've never tried this one but I know people who have and say it works great.
The last option I try is http://pacrimfriendsandfamily.com/. There aren't always rooms available but I am going to Halifax this weekend and used this site. I booked the Radisson for $99 plus tax so it works out to about $116....not too shabby considering the regular rate is over $140/night! You can actually cancel this one if you decided not to go where the other sites don't allow you to cancel...once you book you pay immediately and get no refunds.
"I'm at the hotel, motel, holday innnnn..." - Chingy
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
2012 World Juniors...
...so the big Gold Medal Game is tonight....Canada Vs Russia!! If you were interested in getting tickets for next years tournament in Calgary, you can enter a draw for advanced tickets up until midnight tonight (mountain time). See website for more details: http://www.hockeycanada.ca/index.php/ci_id/151670/la_id/1.htm
Good Luck...and GO CANADA GO!!
Good Luck...and GO CANADA GO!!
Why do we care?...

Picture found online: http://www.styleite.com/media/royal-engagement-photos/
...so Prince William and Kate Middleton are getting married in April. I am happy they're happy, but really, why do I care about all the wedding details. It's definitely gonna be extravagant and we'll all be able to watch it on TV as it happens....so why all the articles regarding the details. There won't be any secrets...again, we'll be able to watch it. All this hooplah is kinda funny. In case you do care, here's an article with some newly released details...oooooo....Ahhhhhh....(http://thechronicleherald.ca/Front/9019258.html)
"Going to the chapel and we're...goooonnna get maaaaaried!" - Dixie Chicks (just so yhou know, this song was written waaaay before the Dixie Chicks came out with it, but it was made more popular by them )
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Oh this is funny...
...so Jimmy Kimmel posted had this video on his show. It's called "Josh Groban sings Kanye West tweets"....hilarious! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Axzxe1a78E&feature=player_embedded
"Let's have a toast for the douchebags..." - Kanye West
"Let's have a toast for the douchebags..." - Kanye West
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