Tuesday, June 15, 2010


...so the littlest one is 1 year old today! I can remember this day like it was yesterday. I had a visit from one of my dear friends and I wasn't feeling the best (this was the day before). She left around lunchtime and I decided to take a nap while the oldest little one was napping. I tossed and turned for a long time and felt ubber nauseated. I yelled for Eric and told him I thought is was time to go in. I called my Farty Cousin and asked if she could babysit....she was some excited to hear why, even though I was ready to be ill! We went in and found out I was having mild contractions. The doc didn't like my bloodwork and later found out it was cause I had HELLP Syndrome. It's something my mother had when she gave birth to my bro and I and it's fairly rare. It's also serious as the only way to stop the problem is to give birth. In may case, not as big of a deal as I was gonna have a C-Section anyways so that could be done at any time. They held off for the night and gave me some drugs to try and sleep off the contractions. They weren't bad at all, just made me a little uncomfortable. Well, that med was quite the stuff. I woke up and looked at my hands and they were floating. It was like I was on a Magic Carpet Ride...hehehe...didn't like the feeling and definitely wasn't going to try to get up cause I wouldn't have made it very far. I slept some more and when morning came they did more tests and decided that they shouldn't wait too much longer. The doc came in and let me know that I'd have a baby by suppertime. Well Hubby, my mom, Hubby's mom and others in my room were soooooo excited....I on the otherhand was bawling. The fear of having a section was a reality. The last one was a relief cause I was in so much pain that I couldn't wait to get it over with....not this time...I had mild cramps so I was going in fully aware of what was going on....and all I could think about was that needle for the Spinal.

It came time and my friend Nursemaid got me ready to go. The Cook was a student there so I asked to have her come with me and the doc said it was no problem. I was glad she was there...she was a good support. Nursemaid wheeled me to the OR door and left me there so she could get the papers I needed to sign. I cried like my dog had just died. I was trembling and so scared. Once they reminded me that i'd have a baby real soon, I calmed down....and then about 30 mins or so later I heard the words "It's a BOY!". I cried some more and so did everyone in the room. He was beautiful and all seemed well.

I was back up in my room with my family and my new baby boy right around suppertime. I felt good and it was such a good day. I tear up when I think about it. At the time I didn't know that he'd be my last baby, but now that I do it's a little more emotional for me. I'm soooooo lucky to have two happy, healthy boys and despite all that happened after this time, I wouldn't change anything at all.

Happy Birthday Brady! xoxo

"You are so beautiful, to me..." - Joe Cocker

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