Monday, June 28, 2010

Cars... Friday I brought the buggy in for an Oil Change and Brake Maintenance. I was actually just going for the Oil Change, but then was told it was Brake Maintenance time so I went ahead with that too. When I brought in the buggy at 9:15 AM, buddy asked if I was flexible on time. I said yes, so much....thinking noonish was long enough. BAD IDEA! I called around 12:30 asking for my buggy and they told me they were running behind and that it would be till at least 2PM! Well, I was a little irked...apparently all the other non flexible people got their vehicles done first and now I was left to wait all fricken day. Never again...and make that note too!

Now, it brings me to that brake stuff. Buddy tells me that my brake pads are almost gone and I'll need new ones within a was real bad apparently. He phoned me today with a price of $300.00 installed. That's fine, I guess, but I asked about the Brake Maintenance I did on Friday. Why did they clean my brakes if they knew I'd need new ones pronto and have to go through all that again....wasn't that a total waste, not to mention a total waste of my $60+????? He didn't quite know what to say and he then admitted I was right and that he'd make sure they'd give me a deal like a free oil change or refund the $60+ from Friday. Friggen right they will! That's quite the rip off! Why can't they be truthful and have common sense? That's what gets you the repeat business....not this stealing the customers money stuff....absolutely unacceptable.

" remember when you were driving, driving in your car..."- Tracy Chapman

Friday, June 25, 2010

Oh child of mine... the oldest little one is real attentive now and repeats everything he hears. Hubby had a music station on this morning for a while before swtiching it to the cartoons. A little while later, the oldest little one starting singing:

"And if you want me girl I will be your man
And if you want me girl I will be here forever"'s the song "Your Man" by Down with Webster

What a ham!

"Relationships are new to me, they never flew with me
I’ve never been in love, I’ve only been in clubs" - Down With Webster

Thursday, June 24, 2010

What I know... Hubby has a bathroom reader and every once and a while I pull it out to read all the fun facts. I now know that:

*Ketchup can totally clean copper
*There are 206 bones in our bodies - most of which are in our fingers and toes
*The little hairs on a roaches legs can detect a breeze from miles and miles away in order to avoid their prey
*Red Eye is caused by the blood vessels behind the eyes that reflect during the flash so in order to avoid use real bright lights to dilate the pupils first
*You grow faster in space then on earth
*If you never cut your finger nails they'd be 13 ft long on your 80th bday
*you can use cola to clean your toilet and it will likely do a better job than the cleaning products.
*Gadsby by Ernest Vincent Wright is a Story of Over 50,000 Words
Without Using the Letter “E”
(Apparently his typewriter had a sticky E key so he wrote the whole book without using that letter)

Now you know what I know!

"I want you to know..." - Alanis Morrisette

Monday, June 21, 2010

Piano... did you know you could play the piano online? I didn't till today....check it out:

"Sing us a song, your the Piano Man..." - Billy Joel

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Radio... today I was listening to the radio. The next song started and the announcer is still talking and he got done just before the vocals started....does that annoy anyone else? I get right panicked that he'll misjudge his time and the song will start while he's mid sentence! I hold my breathe...kinda ridiculous, I know...but I can't help it. It's rather distracting too. Actually, that new Hyundai Ad is a bit much too. HEar it yet? Dude is so excited about the new deals that he doesn't want to even breathe so you can hear him nearly running out of air and struggling to finish his pitch....DRIVES ME CRAZY! I had a hard time breathing in the car all day!

"On the radio..." - can't find the singer

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

NDP... I hear Mr. Dexter decided to give $3Million of our money to build a Indoor Soccer Field in Halifax....hum? I'm not opposed to the field, but why not give $3Million to Yarmouth to make the ferry run? Seems to me more money would be brought to the people of Nova Scotia from the Ferry Service then there will be dividends from an Indoor Soccer Field.

I would like to see a ferry here, but I don't want to give people the impression that i'm all for the Cat. I'm actually not as it wasn't sustainable and that's not a great thing for our economy either. I think that a ferry is necessary though so why not give $3million towards a new service...a cheaper service....heck, a service! But an Indoor Soccer Field? Many places make do with the outdoor ones - I think the money could be better spent.

Oh my... this morning I was looking for songs that I could do with my Music Camp kids and I looked up Justin Bieber. He's all the rave right now with the teens so I saw one with Sean Kingston called Eenie Meenie (

Well I just about died laughing when I heard the first line...."She's indecisive....she can't decide..." hahaha...well no just said that...TWICE....gotta love rappers and they're way of saying the same thing over and over!

"Shorty is a eenie meenie miny mo lover..." - Justin Bieber Feat. Sean Kingston

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Birthday.... the littlest one is 1 year old today! I can remember this day like it was yesterday. I had a visit from one of my dear friends and I wasn't feeling the best (this was the day before). She left around lunchtime and I decided to take a nap while the oldest little one was napping. I tossed and turned for a long time and felt ubber nauseated. I yelled for Eric and told him I thought is was time to go in. I called my Farty Cousin and asked if she could babysit....she was some excited to hear why, even though I was ready to be ill! We went in and found out I was having mild contractions. The doc didn't like my bloodwork and later found out it was cause I had HELLP Syndrome. It's something my mother had when she gave birth to my bro and I and it's fairly rare. It's also serious as the only way to stop the problem is to give birth. In may case, not as big of a deal as I was gonna have a C-Section anyways so that could be done at any time. They held off for the night and gave me some drugs to try and sleep off the contractions. They weren't bad at all, just made me a little uncomfortable. Well, that med was quite the stuff. I woke up and looked at my hands and they were floating. It was like I was on a Magic Carpet Ride...hehehe...didn't like the feeling and definitely wasn't going to try to get up cause I wouldn't have made it very far. I slept some more and when morning came they did more tests and decided that they shouldn't wait too much longer. The doc came in and let me know that I'd have a baby by suppertime. Well Hubby, my mom, Hubby's mom and others in my room were soooooo excited....I on the otherhand was bawling. The fear of having a section was a reality. The last one was a relief cause I was in so much pain that I couldn't wait to get it over with....not this time...I had mild cramps so I was going in fully aware of what was going on....and all I could think about was that needle for the Spinal.

It came time and my friend Nursemaid got me ready to go. The Cook was a student there so I asked to have her come with me and the doc said it was no problem. I was glad she was there...she was a good support. Nursemaid wheeled me to the OR door and left me there so she could get the papers I needed to sign. I cried like my dog had just died. I was trembling and so scared. Once they reminded me that i'd have a baby real soon, I calmed down....and then about 30 mins or so later I heard the words "It's a BOY!". I cried some more and so did everyone in the room. He was beautiful and all seemed well.

I was back up in my room with my family and my new baby boy right around suppertime. I felt good and it was such a good day. I tear up when I think about it. At the time I didn't know that he'd be my last baby, but now that I do it's a little more emotional for me. I'm soooooo lucky to have two happy, healthy boys and despite all that happened after this time, I wouldn't change anything at all.

Happy Birthday Brady! xoxo

"You are so beautiful, to me..." - Joe Cocker

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Vegas Vacation.... i'm back! I had a fantastic time...Vegas is a place like no other. It was real hot - 110 Degrees everyday....but a dip in the pool and a strawberry daquiri solved that problem. We did lots and there's still lots I didn't do. The highlights would be Zumanity - Cirque Du Soleil, the water show at the Bellagio, CSI Experience, The Mentalist (which is a magic show), HOover Dam, Freemont Street, Madame Tussauds and lounging at the pool.

Rules in Vegas don't apply. You can drink everywhere other than in a vehicle...even cup holders right next to the toilet! As you walk down the street people hand you catalogues and cards of women you can order for the night. Hubby was amaed at the difference in prices hehehe....some were $110 and others offered a $41 special...not sure what the special included but my guess was an STD.

The Hoover Dam was cool. It was just like what you seen in the movies, minus the cars blowing up and the mad car chases. We did the tour inside and saw that power plant Oompa Loompas working away. They looked so small but I guess it's cause we were way up high! Hard to believe that this structure was built 2 years ahead of schedule and under budget AND it was a government funded project....amazing that with all our technology today, we can't accomplish this :P

Went on a time share presentation....I wanted to the free stuff. The man was nice, but boy did he ever turn mean when I said no. He basically insulted me and Hubby then called over this big burley man who then further insulted us....he asked me "why are you going to pay for Paris Hilton's Rehab??" "That's just stupid...but do what you want".....then he chuckled as he walked away.....horrible way to do business if you asked me, but I didn't feel too badly....and we enjoyed the free stuff!

There were women dancing on the tables at the casinos....kinda weird, but especially weird when you see small children walking by with their parents. It amazed me how many kids were there. I'm not sure it's a place for kids...too much drinking, smoking and nudity. They don't call it "Sin City" for nothing! hehehehe

"Viva Las Vegas!!"

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

before I go... I was reading the paper to get the news before we leave and read this article, from the Chronicle Herald :

The Catholic Church has raised some of the money to pay abuse this fair? You mean to tell be the parishes need to pay for this? Who did the wrongs? Definitely not the parishioners! Rome is loaded with gold and other valuable things...sell some of that! I can't believe it.....I refuse to give money to this and I hope others do too. This needs to come from the top down and furthermore, it should come from the men who knew about this all along and chose to sweep it under the rug! If I were the victims I would be upset...they do not want to penalize their peers...they want to penalize the church....absurd....absolutely absurd!