Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Operation Panty Thief... there's a panty thief in Pubnico. Actually, this has happened before, but there seemed to be a little lull and now he's back in full swing. It's rather disturbing to think that someone is going into houses, into the bedroom, finding the underwear drawer and picking through what he/she wants and leaving with them. He/she also is taking bras and "toys". It's very odd and now everyone is on the hunt to find the thief..who could it be? Here's what we think:

-The thief is likely someone we know real well as he wouldn't look out of place in the neighbourhood or in near someones house when they weren't home.
-The thief is likely male as the undies and bras were of all sizes, brands and colors. I have a funny feeling a woman would be a little more picky.
-The thief seems to have targeted women who tend to walk on the sidewalk as it would be easy to determine when they were not at home.
-The thief has been sneaky and getting into homes in the daytime and right out in the open so he would have to be semi slender and a little in shape. Fat, old or a couch potato wouldn't be fast enough.
-He is likely middle aged as the women he's targetted are from 30 to somewhere in their 50's. I can't see a teenager being interested in granny panties....though I could be wrong!
-The thief has some time on his hands as the thefts have occurred in Pubnico, East Pubnico and Argyle...that's a bit of travelling.
-The thief likely isn't someone who works 9-5, Monday to Friday in an a teacher or an office worker. Some thefts have occurred during the day so it would be hard to sneak away from work to nab some panties. A fisherman, however, would have lots of time....or even an oil man, courier, meter reader, newspaper carrier, etc.. as these people wouldn't look out of place
-The thief is a PERVERT so maybe a man you know who is interested in pornography, discusses sex a lot, has odd fetishes, etc. I realize some of you are thinking that's all males, but seriously, someone at this level would likely be dropping hints, just we haven't picked up on them yet.
-The thief likely has a hang out spot...somewhere he goes alone like a camp or a shed or a garage that he would keep these items in private. He would also need to spend time with the items so this male would be out to his hang out spot a fair bit.
-The thief likely drives around a bit to be able to know who is where and when.

So that's all the detective work for now. Let's all be proactive and start opening our eyes and paying attention to our surroundings. Also, lock your doors. One lady kept one door unlocked and the thief knew that little detail and got in...don't kid yourselves...he's around and he's watching....lock everything, including your car and for heaven's sake: Take your keys out of the ignition! Your housekey is likely on the key ring! Here's more tips, put hubby's deer cam somewhere....organize your drawse drawer so you'd notice if something were missing....vaccum the rug so you'll see footprints in the bedroom or down the hall...let's find him!

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