Monday, April 12, 2010

More car stuff... I'm off to the Courthouse today. I got caught for speeding some time ago and apparently with every speeding ticket you lose your licence for 1 week. It's normally as of your courtdate, but you can change the week. The Cop told me that it would be anytime within a year....not the case at all. The lady that I spoke to when I paid it informed me it had to be within 6 weeks. This is a problem as I work full-time and hubby is starting to fish everyday. I'm supposed to lose my licence starting tomorrow at noon. This just isn't going to work as now I have to deal with fixing my car due to the whole backing up in MIL's car incident. I'm gonna go today and talk to them again. People who get caught for drinking and driving get exceptions on their suspensions for work...why can't I? Also, why can't I lose it on the weekends only? Why do I have to lose it anyways? Why can't I lose it in June or July when Hubby is around to drive me around? Why can't I just go talk to the judge? I will get answers today...wish me luck!

"He got a fast car..." - Tracy Chapman

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