...so sometimes I wonder where people learn their Customer Service Skills.
Today I went to get my mail at the Pharmasave in Yarmouth. There are 3 ladies there....two of which are always nice, smiling and willing to help. The third....not so much. She always has a pout, never acknowledges you're even there, sounds annoyed when she has to get your parcel, does not gently place anything down and basically is the worst customer service person ever! She beats the grumpy one at Timmies I wrote about a few times so it must be bad.
Today, I get there and she's at the cash. She never looked at me or even acknowledged I was there. I stood there for 3 minutes...not a word from her. She then walks away and sits at another counter while one of the other ladies rushes over to ask if I need help. The nice lady gets my parcels and is very polite. I then open up one of my parcels as there were some Express Post Envelopes I was sent from my Region Office. I was sending something back to them, but forgot to bring one of those sticky tags you need to affix on the back so I asked for one. *Keep in mind the tags are free...it's the envelopes itself that cost money so the Post Office can give you as many tags are you need or want.* She couldn't find any so she asked the grump who made a mean face and asked why I didn't have any sent to me with my envelopes. Well...who cares why...give me a damn FREE tag thing and nevermind.....but nooooo...so I repond that we get them pre-printed at the office, but I forgot to bring one. She then makes the biggest sigh ever and reaches over on a shelf to get me one. She then tosses the sheets on top of my parcel as she walks by and I have to scramble to catch them before they go flying on the floor. She then goes to sit down and just gives me an annoyed face...then she opens up the newspaper and starts reading. OK LADY...you could be a little nicer....and if you want to read the paper, take a break out back and get out from behind the counter...otherwise, smile, shut up and do as we ask like it's your favorite thing to do in the day!! I don't know who peed in her corn flakes this morning...or every morning for that matter...but it's about time she gets some attitude courses. I realize sometimes going to work isn't fun but making my day crappy isn't what I signed up for either...so suck it up.
Next time i'll make a comment like "i'm so sorry i'm bothering you...is there someone else I can speak to?" or something along those lines so she gets the hint and maybe she'll retire.
Geesh...some people's kids!
"oooooo you make me smile" - Uncle Kracker
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Caught my eye....
...so this morning I was reading the Chronicle Herald and an Ad on the top of the screen caught my eye. It was talking about Workplace Safety and had the name of a fisherman from Pubnico who drowned quite a few years ago, Lewis d'Entremont.
The Story: http://www.dayofmourning.ns.ca/day_of_mourning/index_e.aspx?DetailID=2035
The Story: http://www.dayofmourning.ns.ca/day_of_mourning/index_e.aspx?DetailID=2035
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Who Knew?....
...so the famous Tetes A Claques skits are now available in English. If you don't know what they are, it's basically these french people who started making fun of themselves and their accents by using funny looking characters to make these hilarious skits! Anyways, my favorite skit was always "The Willy Waller 2006"....well here's the English version that is actually farrrrrrr more funny :P
"C'est nouveau....c'est Brand New!" - Le Body Toner, Tetes a Claques
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
...so I went on a road trip to New Minas the other day with some girlies. I was the driver and managed to get us there and back in one shape so that's a good thing! We had very interesting conversations as well as a few interesting stops along the way. We did drive by a Dry Cleaning business that had some very interesting signage...

Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Hump Day Humor...
...so JGuitar sent me a joke this am and I thought I'd share. hehehe...enjoy!
A BURGLAR broke into a house one night.
He shined his flashlight around,
looking for valuables when
a voice in the dark said,
'Jesus knows you're here.'
He nearly jumped out of his skin,
clicked his flashlight off, and froze..
When he heard nothing more ,
after a bit, he shook his head and continued.
Just as he pulled the stereo out
so he could disconnect the wires,
clear as a bell he heard
'Jesus is watching you.'
Freaked out, he shined his light
around frantically, looking for the
source of the voice.
Finally, in the corner of the room, his
flashlight beam came to rest on a parrot.
'Did you say that?' he hissed at the parrot...
'Yep', the parrot confessed, then squawked,
'I'm just trying to warn you that he is watching you.'
The burglar relaxed.
'Warn me, huh? Who in the world are you?'
'Moses,' replied the bird.
'Moses?' the burglar laughed.
'What kind of people would name a bird Moses?'
'The kind of people that
would name a Rottweiler Jesus.'
A BURGLAR broke into a house one night.
He shined his flashlight around,
looking for valuables when
a voice in the dark said,
'Jesus knows you're here.'
He nearly jumped out of his skin,
clicked his flashlight off, and froze..
When he heard nothing more ,
after a bit, he shook his head and continued.
Just as he pulled the stereo out
so he could disconnect the wires,
clear as a bell he heard
'Jesus is watching you.'
Freaked out, he shined his light
around frantically, looking for the
source of the voice.
Finally, in the corner of the room, his
flashlight beam came to rest on a parrot.
'Did you say that?' he hissed at the parrot...
'Yep', the parrot confessed, then squawked,
'I'm just trying to warn you that he is watching you.'
The burglar relaxed.
'Warn me, huh? Who in the world are you?'
'Moses,' replied the bird.
'Moses?' the burglar laughed.
'What kind of people would name a bird Moses?'
'The kind of people that
would name a Rottweiler Jesus.'
...so I lost the battle. I can't get out of losing my license, but I did get it moved to after fishing is done. I'll be driving around with my cruise control from now on :)
Monday, April 12, 2010
More car stuff...
...so I'm off to the Courthouse today. I got caught for speeding some time ago and apparently with every speeding ticket you lose your licence for 1 week. It's normally as of your courtdate, but you can change the week. The Cop told me that it would be anytime within a year....not the case at all. The lady that I spoke to when I paid it informed me it had to be within 6 weeks. This is a problem as I work full-time and hubby is starting to fish everyday. I'm supposed to lose my licence starting tomorrow at noon. This just isn't going to work as now I have to deal with fixing my car due to the whole backing up in MIL's car incident. I'm gonna go today and talk to them again. People who get caught for drinking and driving get exceptions on their suspensions for work...why can't I? Also, why can't I lose it on the weekends only? Why do I have to lose it anyways? Why can't I lose it in June or July when Hubby is around to drive me around? Why can't I just go talk to the judge? I will get answers today...wish me luck!
"He got a fast car..." - Tracy Chapman
"He got a fast car..." - Tracy Chapman
Backing up...
...so Friday my mother in law (MIL) came over to babysit for the morning. I was going through my regular routine, got in the car, slapped it in reverse, backed up and cut the wheel to turn and get facing down the driveway.....BANG! I forgot my MIL's car was parked there and I now just backed up into it. Now, I wasn't going fast so really it shouldn't do a lot of damage....except....she drives a Cadillac! Nice....not a Prius or a Focus...a Cadillac. The cars nowadays are made nearly in one piece so you ruin one and basically need to the fix the whole damn car. A scrape and a crack lead to a whole paint job....needless to say the Insurance Lady was called.
I call the Insurance Lady and I explain what happened. She asked me "did you not see the vehicle or were you not paying attention?" Well I didn't want her to know I was a dummy so I told her I simply didn't see cause I drive an SUV and she wasn't parked in her normal spot so her car must have been in my blind spot - hence the accident. She asked if I knew the person I hit. I explained it was my MIL. ....SILENCE......so then I repeat, "It was my MIL"....she then giggles and says "well aren't you lucky!" hehehehe I started to laugh! My MIL wasn't upset about it at all, but I guess out of all the people you could hit, your MIL is probably not the best. Luckily for me she was real good about it. She could have really been mad at me considering the only reason she was over was to watch my two kids and do me a favor. I have now paid her back with a dented, cracked, scraped front of her car. You should also know that she just got that car fixed cause she hit a deer before Xmas.
Today I went to the Collision Center to take pics of my vehicle and the guy was chuckling...."so you're the one who backed up into your MIL's car?" hehehe...the shame....I answered "yes, yes I am."
"Back, Back, forth and forth..." - Aaliyah
I call the Insurance Lady and I explain what happened. She asked me "did you not see the vehicle or were you not paying attention?" Well I didn't want her to know I was a dummy so I told her I simply didn't see cause I drive an SUV and she wasn't parked in her normal spot so her car must have been in my blind spot - hence the accident. She asked if I knew the person I hit. I explained it was my MIL. ....SILENCE......so then I repeat, "It was my MIL"....she then giggles and says "well aren't you lucky!" hehehehe I started to laugh! My MIL wasn't upset about it at all, but I guess out of all the people you could hit, your MIL is probably not the best. Luckily for me she was real good about it. She could have really been mad at me considering the only reason she was over was to watch my two kids and do me a favor. I have now paid her back with a dented, cracked, scraped front of her car. You should also know that she just got that car fixed cause she hit a deer before Xmas.
Today I went to the Collision Center to take pics of my vehicle and the guy was chuckling...."so you're the one who backed up into your MIL's car?" hehehe...the shame....I answered "yes, yes I am."
"Back, Back, forth and forth..." - Aaliyah
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Peanuts or Penis??....
...so remember William Hung from American Idol?? Yeah, the "She Bangs" guy...hahaha...well he recently went to TO to sing "Take me out to the Ball Game". LIsten carefully...hehehehe....god I love this guy!
Operation Panty Thief...
...so there's a panty thief in Pubnico. Actually, this has happened before, but there seemed to be a little lull and now he's back in full swing. It's rather disturbing to think that someone is going into houses, into the bedroom, finding the underwear drawer and picking through what he/she wants and leaving with them. He/she also is taking bras and "toys". It's very odd and now everyone is on the hunt to find the thief..who could it be? Here's what we think:
-The thief is likely someone we know real well as he wouldn't look out of place in the neighbourhood or in near someones house when they weren't home.
-The thief is likely male as the undies and bras were of all sizes, brands and colors. I have a funny feeling a woman would be a little more picky.
-The thief seems to have targeted women who tend to walk on the sidewalk as it would be easy to determine when they were not at home.
-The thief has been sneaky and getting into homes in the daytime and right out in the open so he would have to be semi slender and a little in shape. Fat, old or a couch potato wouldn't be fast enough.
-He is likely middle aged as the women he's targetted are from 30 to somewhere in their 50's. I can't see a teenager being interested in granny panties....though I could be wrong!
-The thief has some time on his hands as the thefts have occurred in Pubnico, East Pubnico and Argyle...that's a bit of travelling.
-The thief likely isn't someone who works 9-5, Monday to Friday in an office...like a teacher or an office worker. Some thefts have occurred during the day so it would be hard to sneak away from work to nab some panties. A fisherman, however, would have lots of time....or even an oil man, courier, meter reader, newspaper carrier, etc.. as these people wouldn't look out of place
-The thief is a PERVERT so maybe a man you know who is interested in pornography, discusses sex a lot, has odd fetishes, etc. I realize some of you are thinking that's all males, but seriously, someone at this level would likely be dropping hints, just we haven't picked up on them yet.
-The thief likely has a hang out spot...somewhere he goes alone like a camp or a shed or a garage that he would keep these items in private. He would also need to spend time with the items so this male would be out to his hang out spot a fair bit.
-The thief likely drives around a bit to be able to know who is where and when.
So that's all the detective work for now. Let's all be proactive and start opening our eyes and paying attention to our surroundings. Also, lock your doors. One lady kept one door unlocked and the thief knew that little detail and got in...don't kid yourselves...he's around and he's watching....lock everything, including your car and for heaven's sake: Take your keys out of the ignition! Your housekey is likely on the key ring! Here's more tips, put hubby's deer cam somewhere....organize your drawse drawer so you'd notice if something were missing....vaccum the rug so you'll see footprints in the bedroom or down the hall...let's find him!
-The thief is likely someone we know real well as he wouldn't look out of place in the neighbourhood or in near someones house when they weren't home.
-The thief is likely male as the undies and bras were of all sizes, brands and colors. I have a funny feeling a woman would be a little more picky.
-The thief seems to have targeted women who tend to walk on the sidewalk as it would be easy to determine when they were not at home.
-The thief has been sneaky and getting into homes in the daytime and right out in the open so he would have to be semi slender and a little in shape. Fat, old or a couch potato wouldn't be fast enough.
-He is likely middle aged as the women he's targetted are from 30 to somewhere in their 50's. I can't see a teenager being interested in granny panties....though I could be wrong!
-The thief has some time on his hands as the thefts have occurred in Pubnico, East Pubnico and Argyle...that's a bit of travelling.
-The thief likely isn't someone who works 9-5, Monday to Friday in an office...like a teacher or an office worker. Some thefts have occurred during the day so it would be hard to sneak away from work to nab some panties. A fisherman, however, would have lots of time....or even an oil man, courier, meter reader, newspaper carrier, etc.. as these people wouldn't look out of place
-The thief is a PERVERT so maybe a man you know who is interested in pornography, discusses sex a lot, has odd fetishes, etc. I realize some of you are thinking that's all males, but seriously, someone at this level would likely be dropping hints, just we haven't picked up on them yet.
-The thief likely has a hang out spot...somewhere he goes alone like a camp or a shed or a garage that he would keep these items in private. He would also need to spend time with the items so this male would be out to his hang out spot a fair bit.
-The thief likely drives around a bit to be able to know who is where and when.
So that's all the detective work for now. Let's all be proactive and start opening our eyes and paying attention to our surroundings. Also, lock your doors. One lady kept one door unlocked and the thief knew that little detail and got in...don't kid yourselves...he's around and he's watching....lock everything, including your car and for heaven's sake: Take your keys out of the ignition! Your housekey is likely on the key ring! Here's more tips, put hubby's deer cam somewhere....organize your drawse drawer so you'd notice if something were missing....vaccum the rug so you'll see footprints in the bedroom or down the hall...let's find him!
And the NDP Strikes again...
...so no raised taxes, eh? What happened to that promise? Oh right...you forgot...apparently HST will be back up to 15% in July. Lovely. http://www.thevanguard.ca/News/2010-04-06/article-990772/HST-increasing-on-July-1/1
"You raise me up..." - Josh Groban
"You raise me up..." - Josh Groban
Monday, April 5, 2010
...so I went to Hdot for a few days last week. That means I had to use Public Washrooms a lot...no fun. Anyways, I had to use the Handicapped stalls a few times and really, i'm not sure why I do! Why do they feel the need to put the toilet right in line with the crack of the stall door? You sit on the toilet and can basically watch people wash their hands...meaning they can now watch you pee. It's kinda odd....and slightly creepy.....who needs a peep hole when you have this set up?
Anyways...no more handicapped stall....i'll use the more private, smaller stall and avoid showing everyone my hoo-hoo.
Anyways...no more handicapped stall....i'll use the more private, smaller stall and avoid showing everyone my hoo-hoo.
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