Friday, March 27, 2009

Some people's kids... get this. This guy gasses up a few gas tanks and forgets to put the cover on one of them. He starts driving off and starts smelling gas fumes. He drives a little while, but the fumes get to be quite bad so he pulls over to check things out. Now here's the kicker...before he investigates, he decides to light a smoke. Ya I know...what a it doesn't take a science teacher to tell you what happened next! Thank god it was only the truck that blew up and he was able to get away with only a little singed hair on his head. Now, is that bright? The other sad part is that I can't even say this was some weirdo from another country...not only was this guy Canadian, he was Nova Scotian! You'd think people would use common sense from time to time.

"Fiiiiire.....Fiiiiiire" - Ohio Players (and theme of Hell's Kitchen)

Monday, March 23, 2009

Evolution of Dance... remember the Evolution of Dance that was all over youtube and every TV show going? Well the same guy came out with a sequel...voila:

Monday Jokes... here's 51 jokes in 4 minutes...hehehe...very funny!

"I do"... it seems like we're in a wedding boom again, along with our baby boom. YAY! Pants, My Farty Cousin and now Nursemaid are all getting hitched! How exciting is that?! I'll be a hot bridesmaid in my Farty Cousin's wedding so I'm real thrilled about that. Once baby number 2 is born, i'll be on the weight loss, need to fit in a nice dress plan. I'm hoping to be hot stuff my next August...gonna be hard, but i'm up for the challenge. I also can't wait to help plan, especially the wedding music as that's my forte!

Nursemaid, whom we thought would never get hitched, was surprised by the non-calling boyfriend with a ring at the top of the Eiffel Tower. I didn't know he had it in him...actually, I don't think anyone did...I guess there's a lot we don't know about him hehehehehe, right Nursemaid? Who knew the non-calling boyfriend was a closet romantic?

So in other news, I'm gonna give birth to a toddler...yup, this kid's a big one! Had a docs appointment today and he measured my baby belly and I'm measuring 30 weeks....I'm only 26. Good thing I'm already scheduled for a section...sounds like this one could hurt! YIKES!

Me and Timmies aren't having a good's the score:
Timmies: 20
Ldot: 3
You see something wrong with this picture? Yeah, I'm a big honkin loser that's roped into this "Roll up the Rim" thing. Today I went in to get my coffee and ended up with the "who pee'd in your cornflakes?" grump of a worker. She's never pleasant...actually, I'm not really sure if she knows how to smile. I guess she'll never be a botox candidate, eh? Anyways, I gave her my order and when she went to get me some change she looked at the coffee pots, grumbled as she fumbled with my change and caught herself at the "FFFF". Well, I've been known to say a few of those too, but not in front of a customer. And really, all I ordered was a coffee...nothing to "FFFF" about. She looked at me as she caught herself and turned a little red...apparently she knew it was a customer service no-no...and she should, being the supervisor and all. Good thing I'm not the type to go repeat the story, huh?! ;)

"When you love someone, you'll do'll do all the crazy things, that you can't explain..." - Bryan Adams

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Can't avoid this one... I watch the news last night to see the Pope on his way to Africa on a little mission. I don't like talking about religion, but I don't think this is a religious issue. The Pope claims that condoms aren't the answer to stopping the spread of AIDS...abstinence is the best method. Hum....this coming from a man who must abstain from sexual intercourse to continue in his role as Pope...easier said than done my friend.

Today in the Chronicle Herald there's an article about this and I quote the last line: " You can’t resolve it with the distribution of condoms. On the contrary, it increases the problem."-Pope Benedict Here's the link to the article:

Wow...not right sure the Pope is sending the right message. I bet I could find a million tenth grade students that could teach him a little lesson in Sex Ed. Abstinence is the best method, agreed, but let's face it...a basic human need is sex (yup, it's on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs taught in's the link if you don't believe me: - right there on the first rung on the pyramid next to sleep and shelter!) so people are gonna do it. If they're gonna do it then what is the best method of preventing the spread of Aids...CLEARLY it's CONDOMS. So telling people not to bother giving condoms and letting them do what they they've been doing, cause the most part isn't going to abstain, is totally useless. Handing out condoms or educating people on the proper use of a condom is not going to "increase the problem". That's slightly ridiculous. I disagree completely with this mission and I think it gives kids the wrong message. Plus, if everyone constantly abstained from sex, there would be no babies born. Sex is important and the proper education of sex is important as there are big risks, but I guess I would argue it's the same as driving a car. The best way to avoid getting in a car accident is abstaining from driving and getting in cars. The problem with this is that people are gonna drive so how do we let these people know how to avoid getting in a car accident.....yes, that's right...proper education!

I'm real disapointed in our Pope...sorry...

"Let's talk about sex baby, let's talk about you and me..." -Salt-n-Pepa

Monday, March 16, 2009

What not to paint... I drive by the new Lawton's Drug Store today and can't help but write about it. They've been working on this for months and I'm glad to see it's finally done, but the colors....well....I think they need an intervention. I'm no expert, but seems to me orange and baby blue don't match whatsoever! I nearly got in a car accident coming out of Timmies today cause I was so distracted by the's just soooo doesn't match and personally, I think it's not pretty. Maybe they did this for a reason, so that people like me talk about it to everyone and now everyone's gonna go there to see the sight. If that's the case then I think they succeeded. I dunno, but seems to me that if you're gonna spend alllllll that money on making your store measure up to the other drug stores around, you should at least have a focus group or something to vote on your color scheme. Maybe they did and they're all color blind like hubby...never know, maybe they thought they were painting it yellow and least that would have looked better. Check it out next time you drive by and tell me what you's a real eye sore...can't miss it even if you tried, trust me.

Timmies Update:
Timmies 17
Ldot 2

"I'll paint my mood in shades of blue..." - Celine Dion

Friday, March 6, 2009

Economy... i've tried to avoid talking about it, but I guess I can't now. In financial terms, things haven't been that great over the last 6 months. The markets have taken sharp nose dives and part of the reason is due to many failing industries. You see it everyday on the news...job cuts, high unemployment rates, stores closing, seems to be never ending. One thing that is clear, people are drinking their sorrows away! Yup, yesterday in the paper is was reported that the liquor stores are seeing an increase in profits. Don't ya find that interesting? I know I do...but really it shouldn't be a suprise. Back in the depression days, weren't the rum runners one of the few careers that made money? Seems to me I remember something about that from history class. So, I guess next time you poor yourself a drink, know that basically all your neighbours are doing the're not alone...

Timmies Update
Timmies: 11
Ldot: 1

"Could of been the whiskey...might of been the gin..." - the Rovers and many other artists

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Advertising funny... have you seen the new Timmie's Ad for "Roll up the Rim"? Well, I just about peed my pants when I saw it. Here's a clip...

Hahahaha...reminds me of the Canadian Pavilion in Disney. We get there and both hubby and I died laughing. It was nothing but a big totem pole, Indian carvings and t-shirts describing our love of beer! Hilarious. It's pretty bad when you have to go to Florida to see your first totem pole when it's supposedly all you find here in Canada. I think Timmie's played on that with this ad...hehehe..i'm still laughing....Knit a it!

Oh and exciting news...I won my first coffee!! The score is now

Timmie's: 7
Ldot: 1

"Oh Canada, our home and native land..." - The National Anthem