...so on Friday I took the afternoon off and went trout fishing down the Barrington River. My family has a camp there so it's a great place to go relax, fish and chat with friends. One of the easiest ways to get there is by 4-Wheeler for about 10 minutes then a short treck through the woods to the river. Once there you hop in a homemade barge and paddle across to the camp. It was a great day despite our little wilderness walk lol. We took some friends with us and once off the wheelers I took the path, which I thought was the right one, towards the camp. Well I was wrong...rather than walk 5 minutes to the river we walked 25 minutes through the woods. I never laughed so hard in all my life. We just kept walking and laughing realizing that I would be a sucky partner to have during the Amazing Race or something. It was an adventure and every branch I walked by I winced knowing the ticks were out - YUCKKKK!! - but somehow we managed to get there without one of those nasty creatures hitchin' a ride on our pants.
We fished, drank beer, ate appetizers, told jokes, relaxed in the sun....one of the best days i've had in a while. Once home my mother decides to post pictures of our day. Well she posted this one of me fishing:

Do ya think she could have held off on this picture?? I don't think you can even notice there's a boat there let alone a damn fishing rod! Well, if you all didn't know before now, I have a big butt....and now so does all of facebook. LOL Good thing I wasn't bent over or something - lord help us all!
Here's a pic of us busting a gutt trying to cross the river after our lengthy walk though the woods...we look like a bunch of rednecks lol:
"cosmo says you're fat...nahhh I ain't down with that...your waist is small and your curves are kickin' - and i'm thinking about stickin'..." - Sir-Mix-A-Lot
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