Monday, February 7, 2011

Potlucks... getting back to my earlier potluck post, I've had a number of emails with people's idea of the proper etiquette.

*Bring something you know people will like.
*Bring enough to feed a large number of not just 6 chicken wings for a crowd of 25.
*Arrive on time!!!!!!!! (meals have been prepared to be served right away...coming 30 mins late means you don't eat or simply don't need to come)
*Host usually provides utensils, paper plates, cups and napkins along with their dish. The host will likely have something to drink like water and pop. BYOB - ALWAYS!
*Fruit Trays and Veggie Trays are something you bring IN ADDITION TO your's not a substitute for bringing a meal item.
*Bring your own serving utensil to compliment your dish as well as a pot holder.
*Try not to bring something too runny so that it takes over your entire plate. A blog reader suggested using divided plates...good idea!
*do not bring something that needs to be cooked at the hosts house. You can re-heat or keep warm...but not cook.
* Help the host clean up.
*Bring home your leftovers unless the host would like them
*Be real thankful and acknowlege every guests hard work :)

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