Monday, August 30, 2010

Guess Who?... the oldest little one was allowed to buy a toy on Saturday for a treat. He picked the game "Guess Who?"! He's only 3 so I didn't know if he'd be any good at it cause there's a lot to do. He picks a card and I pick a card with a person's face on it. We each have pictures of all the faces and by asking yes or no questions, we eliminate people till we only have one left. The first one to guess the others card wins. You usually start with a question to identify the gender so "is your person a boy?" If he says yes, I put down all the girl faces. You then ask other identification questions like "does your person have blue eyes? moustache? Earrings? White Hair? Glasses? Hat on? etc... Blake would ask questions like "does your person have ears? Does your person have a chin? Does your person have a nose?" hehehehehe...he wasn't quite getting it, eh? Anyways, after a few games he got the hang of it and last night we played again. Don't you think he beat me? I couldn't believe it....asked the questions, put down the right faces and was left with mine! I'm still in shock. I guess he's smarter than I was giving him credit :P

"The first time ever I saw your face..." - Roberta Flack

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