Thursday, September 24, 2009

Money well spent... I hear on the radio that the hospital is having a fundraiser in order to buy a colonoscopy sanitization machine. DOes anyone have a problem with this statement other than me?? Is the old one not working? they even have one?.....maybe I don't want to know the answers but I think i'll donate just in case I ever need one.

Nice...real nice.

"Doctor, Doctor....give me the news..." - Robert Palmer

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Oddities... I see the men are gearing up for Deer Hunting. Everywhere I go I see bags of apples and carrots for sale and that brings me to one question....Why the carrots? I understand the apples cause there are apple trees in the forest so the deer can get a feed, but who thought of the carrots? I've never been walking through the woods and stumbled on some yummy carrots...have you? So who decided to put them out? Doesn't really make any sense to me. Very odd.

Another odd thing is the fact people go out in the wilderness looking to kill bears. These men go out in the middle of nowhere waiting to see bears and shoot them. Why not chill out very quietly at a camp and put food on the deck? Bears seem to break into camps all the time so I'm not sure why it's necessary to go out in nowhere land to find some. Wouldn't it be much more comfortable waiting for the bear while sitting on a couch rather than a shrub?

Actually, while we're on the hunting topic I have another question. Why is it that most men can't sit at home and do nothing all day but they can sit in a tree and barely breathe all day? It's like they get ants in the pants if they're at home with nothing to do, but love the idea of sitting up in a tree, all alone, all day, for weeks on end. I'd go absolutely crazy in a tree with nothing to do from dawn till dusk. I'd need a few magazines or something...and a pillow for my bum too.

Most hunters have those new hunting cameras too so that while they're not there they can see if a deer was in the neighbourhood. Can't you tell by the bites out of the apples and carrots? Teeth marks would be an indication enough for me...but then again I'm not a hunter so maybe there's something I'm not getting.

Odd...very odd...

"I go crazy...crazy...crazy, I'm going crazy..." - Aerosmith

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Bylaw... apparently Bridgewater wants to make a new Bylaw....get this....the Anti-Idling ByLaw.

"The bylaw allows a vehicle to idle for no more than three minutes and calls for a minimum $150 fine and a maximum fine of $10,000 or a year in jail."

Well if that's the case then tell Timmies to hurry the heck up cause there's no way you can get through their drivethru in under 3 minutes! I can understand wanting to save the environment but, seriously, isn't there a better way? What are we supposed to do during road construction? If they expect people to sit and wait for the slow sign to appear with no air conditioning because the darn car is shut off then they have something else coming. Also, did they not clue in that we live in Nova Scotia...the land of crappy winter on earth am I going to get to work with a windshield full of snow cause I wasn't allowed to leave the car running long enough for the hot air to melt it? Can you imagine spending a year in jail with murderers, pedophiles, rapists, robbers and other criminals all because you left the car running too long in the McD's drivethru? Hardly seems fair, eh? Do they not have any other ideas they could run with....what's next, make people cut their lawns with scissors cause the lawnmower polutes the air too much?

"Don't be stupid..." -Shania Twain

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Now you know I was gonna comment on this one... did ya notice the large tin lobster on the front of the Red Knight (The Yarmouth Bar)? Oh....maybe you didn't see it cause you were distracted by the ridiculous looking paint job all over the building! Wow...and I thought the new Lawton's store was bad....this takes the cake!

"U-G-L-Y, you ain't got no UGLY" - Daphne and Celeste

Back at it... I ended up taking a little break from blogging. Lots has happened since my last post. I had another boy on June 15th...8lbs 6oz. He's such a sweetie and i've enjoyed the summer with him and my other little, or not so little anymore boy. After that I ended up with a Double Pulmonary Embolism. That's a fancy name for two blood clots, one in each lung. It's a complication that can occur after a surgery and I had a C-Section so that's how that all came about. It's not a real common risk, but it does happen. It was almost lights out for me, but luckily i'm still here and will be taking Warfarin, aka Rat Poison, for the next little while in order to keep my blood thin and not clot again. I'm still quite freaked out about the whole ordeal and my therapist...yes I now I have a therapist...told me that I will not get over it, but will learn to deal with it. Let's hope he's right.

I started back to work today and on my coffee break...the third one of the day...I decided to blog as another form of therapy. I can vent to all y'all about all the things in life that annoy me, frustrate me, tick me off and make me laugh!

Isn't there a song by Elton John that would fit here...."the B&%#* is back!"