...so I've been away at Music Camp. I was an instructor/vocal coach. It was a lot of fun. For those who don't know what it is, it's a camp for kids ages 10-15. There is a try-out process and then those kids who make it come to camp for 1 week and practice in their area of interest (guitar, drums, vocals, etc...) and in the afternoons they're divi-ed up in bands and made to learn 3 songs. Each band performs those 3 songs at the final concert at the end of the week. My band did "Perfect" - Hedley, "Waka Waka, this time for Africa" - Shakira and "Mon Vieux Capitaine" - Phillip et Wendell (Local Artists). They won for best song for their version of "Waka Waka"...it was awesome. The kids were really well behaved and it's quite rewarding to watch them perform at the end of the week....they work so hard....it's amazing really.
The Music Camp Leaders were asked to open for Lennie Gallant at the Acadian Festival Closing Ceremonies on July 24th. We're mega excited!! They will be held in Wedgeport and we go on at 8:40 PM I think. We were debating on a band name and came up with a great one....we are:
"There was this one time at band camp..." :)
"The pressure's on....you feel it....you got it all....believe it!" - Shakira